Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I promise...

Have you ever thought that we make promises and they were meant to be broken sometimes? Sure you do. People often say such and we often hear them. Promises, or rather resolutions, we always make at the start of the new year remind us of what we need to change in order to make ourselves better. But, mind you, many of us tend to go back to our old ways as the year goes by. Many of us do. Serious. Now I am no exception to this. I know I have been making promises to myself, yet old habits just die hard. **SIGH**...

Anyway, here are my 10 promises for the year, albeit coming near to the end of the year. Hopefully, I don't go back to my old habits again.

(1) I promise not to spend like a rich man. More often than not, at month's end, I am often broke.

(2) I promise not to "goyang kaki" and procrastinate at the office.

(3) I promise to save as much money as possible so that I can retire rich.

(4) I promise myself to go to gym as often as possible, which is good because I am practising this now.

(5) I promise to often update my blog, as frequently as possible, and should not back-dating posts anymore. Bad habit, indeed. First, it is a dishonest man's work. Second, you have to put in effort to catch up.

(6) I promise to often clean my rented room as often as possible. Now, take a look at these mess!

Househusbandry, you say?

Oh what a mess!

Mom's gonna kill you! Go clean it up, kid!

(7) I promise I will not keep pestering my fellow bloggers with somewhat irritating comments. Hope you all can forgive me if I do so. Thousands of apologies.

(8) I promise not to lose my temper so easily and not to be too sensitive over weenie little matters.

(9) I promise to get my future lover and my loved ones at home the best I can give. All my life, all my soul and all my heart to the ones I most dearly love.

(10) Last, but not least, I promise not to drive my car fast like it is a racing car. Look at what had happened to me! Serve me right! Now, that's the reason why I can't go to Starbucks those few days ago to blog my stuff on the net. Damn me!

Skidded on a wet road during a rainy weather and "kissed" the "ass" of the car in front.

The other car that I knocked into. Notice the exhaust pipe was out of place.

SURPRISE!!! Now, this is exactly a meme. Got caught on with the meme virus, thanks to my fellow bloggers. Time for tagging... hehehe... *smiles evilly*... OK, these are the people to be tagged (except for myself, of course!)... TADAAA!!!... here is the list...

Having said all that, will I ever learn from these mistakes? Hopefully I will. And, will I break those promises? Hopefully, I won't.

Now, go and do your meme and write down your own 10 promises you have made for yourself!

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