Friday, September 7, 2007


You wouldn't wanna know how many cavities I have. Or rather, I had. Omgness..
Try a wild guess. :D

Been to the dentist's today, with my last visit being 7 or 8 years ago when sis first got her braces.

The dentist Dr. Lee was sighing "boy.. this is terrible!" while he prodded his torture instruments into my mouth, scraping and spraying water and what not. Bleargh.

Bleeeeargh. Thank goodness those hol(e)y teeth of mine were still salvageable. =) The cavities were relatively shallow and have yet to corrode to touch the nerves deep inside (would've hurt like fuck then). Sighs... bad, bad dental hygiene! X(

After fixing my teeth, another dentist took over the, err, "cleaning" of my teeth, which involves prodding more torture equipment to get rid of any tartar sauce.

Told the second dentist (Dr. X, for simplicity's sake as i do not know his name) that i wanted to see what he was doing. :D And he handed me a mirror. And Dr X was pretty patient, explaining to me what he was using, all the composite stuff used to fix my teeth and so on. Fascinating.

Feet and thighs hurting like crazy now. Overly hardcore basketball session just now, to extent of my thighs pulsating with little cramps. Urgh. Off to bed.

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