Saturday, September 15, 2007

My Bloggie site...

OK, what has happened to my Bloggie profile? Look at this and see for yourself...

It seems there's nothing wrong with it, right, folks? Well, read the first few words of my "About Me" profile description. It says "A poet. A music lover. A nature lover...". Obviously, I was trying to write my personal profile in a poetic format, but look at what this Bloggie site has done to my poem? It looks like a longgggg... sentence with a bunch of words concatenated together with commas in between! It JUST DOESN'T KNOW what a linespace is (i.e. When you press ENTER on your keyboard while writing on say, MS Word, the line of sentence after the ENTER is supposed to be starting on a new line). The poem is supposed to look like this:

In a little Valley (hello... read Klang Valley, please...),
David rises like a warrior,
Lo and behold, men of earth!
Here comes a man of gracious name,
A name of beauty,
A man of courage,
One who rises to the challenge of the world!

In the darkest shadow of that Valley,
Rises David like a new-born warrior,
For he fears no evil,
Fears nothing but the Only One,
For with Thy Strength,
And with Thy Faith,
Will David rise to the challenge of the world!

David the Man is here,
O men of earth,
For cometh he with Knowledge,
And guide you all along,
Through the journey of a man's life,
In this blog of his.

There goes the same with my interest section in my profile. The groupings of the interests concatenate with the next word.

All right, no more complaints. I will still use this Bloggie site despite its minor shortcomings, since I can use my Gmail account to logon this Bloggie site. Convenient, eh? Well, as for the minor shortcoming, I can't do anything about this since it has been formatted that way. Maybe I can try to use HTML codes like <\br>, perhaps? Well, any suggestions, folks?

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