Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Hampir ke situ

Mendua - Hampir Ke Situ

Aku sadar bukan mudah
Untuk mengejar mimpi indah
Pernah suatu ketika dulu
Ku punya harapan besar
Kini aku tak pasti
Dapatkah ku miliki

Sudah jauh kita tempuh
Kekalkanlah impian lalu
Mungkin ada hikmat
Yang akan menunggu
Di penghujung jalan
Biar nanti kecewa
Setidak-tidaknya mencuba

Jika halangan menduga perjalanan kita
Janganlah kau putus asa
Karena ku ada di sisi setia menemani
Andai semangatmu gugur
Genggamlah tanganku
Kita hampir ke situ

Adakala ku terasa
Ketabahan tak setegar
Tetapi apakan daya
Berhenti separuh jalan
Percayalah padaku
Aku yakin kita mampu

Biar orang katakan
Rapuhnya harapan
Bukan mereka tentukan lagi
Kau ada aku dan aku punya kamu
Amanlah akhirnya tetap bersama
we might "bergaduh" every single day but at the end of the day we know that we cant live without each other. After a long thought i notice that "Kebaikan & Keburukan kita" are meant to completed each other. You might not handsomed but thats what makes me looks prettier, haha.. you are such a garang person at times but that is why makes people dont dare to bully fragile me.. Your romantic sides melts my cold-hearted soul as well... And the list goes on...I just want you to know, as long as GOD, my mum, dad, fam, & besties bless us, there is nobody on earth can stop us. Because my small voice strongly said, kita hampir ke situ...

Rumah Sir AO

*Bini dia masak sedap, patutlah sir sayang bgt.. Sir jgk penah ckp kat kitorg...
"The way to a man's heart is through his stomache"

open house

*sorry, ta sempat amek gmbr hafiz & hasrul, bz sangat sampai lupe... neway thanks to all friends who turned up. xoxo keep safe

Monday, September 28, 2009


I hate Marketing assignments. They're fucked up. Wait, make that THIRD YEAR Marketing assignments.

First year marketing was just kacang putih. Weekly assignments were a joke. I got a string of HDs by making my submissions all colourful with cutesy little dotted-lined textboxes with Monash logo in the background etc.

Second year marketing was somewhat demanding. Market Research was a bitch. But CB and IMC with Ms Ghazala were infinitely fun and interesting.

3rd Year? International Marketing? Fucked up. Marketing Strategy? Even more fucked up. Now marketing planning... Pah! At least Madeline is a competent lecturer, but it doesn't make the assignments any less demanding. All sorts of ridiculous analysis and presentation and market plan and strategies and what not.

All that, for 35%.

Comparatively speaking. Marketing Law. 30% Just make your arguments, bullshit a bit, cite some law cases and boom! It's done.

Case studies in International Trade. 30% Theoretical problem solving. Read the textbook, and you get the answer! Next, simple google search on trade blocs and FTAs. Boom! It's done.

Business in Asia. 30%. Research on companies that face difficulty conducting business in Asia. Somewhat like a case study. Boom! It's done.

wtf right?

Friday, September 25, 2009

selamat hari raya

kesibukan menyebabkn aku ta sempat nak mengeblog... macam2 bende lar jadi raya nih.. ingatkan bole jernihkan keadaan.. makin keruh rupanya..

Pada hari raya ni, sabya mintak maaf sangat sangat pada semua orang yang pernah, masih atau sedang terasa hati dengan sabya. Sebenarnya semua masalah boleh selesai kalo kita semua bole berterus-terang dan menghapuskan amalan cakap-cakap belakang... Dalam proses persahabatan ni, mmg i da penat sangat. So let it be larh... I dont give a damn anymore

Neway tadi sidia dtg beraya ke ruma, die ta neves lgsg. Ak yg kecut perut.. Mak oke, aku pon oke la... alhamdulillah.. Esok open house, hopefully all ends well... trauma ak ngan open house tahun lps... Sesape yg baca blog ni semua dijemput hadir. Terima kasih.


final destination

nota kaki : best gila oke

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I remember the first caesar salad i had. From Dome's, ages ago. Sis brought it back for me in a plastic container, all covered with bacon bits and i was amazed that salad could actually taste good!!

Not a person who voluntarily eats salad, i usually order sparingly to share during family outings, and that's it. I must have forgotten about caesar salad, until i saw a caesar salad kit at Cold Storage. They have all types of salad "kits", just sealable bags with vege, dressing, and packet of toasted croutons. Intriguing, you know, coz i never knew they sold salad like this!

So after i saw caesar salad at Cold Storage, it kept popping up in my mind until!

After a particularly hellish session at the gym the other day, i was having lunch with Nico and gang and i saw caesar salad on the menu! And knowing that Dave's serves pork, and by that i mean REAL bacon, i ordered one instead of my usual pasta.

Y'know the ridiculous "beef bacon" or "turkey bacon" that crop up ever so often on Pizza Hut menus? It's RUBBISH! No such thing. Real bacon is prepared from pork belly, and no other types of meat can come close!

V. Good! Smoked bacon was heavenly aromatic and slightly crispy. Lettuce is fresh and crisp. I think it's lacking a hard boiled egg? And maybe a few more croutons? 5 measly cubes are pathetic! Overall, a fantastic salad and i would give it at least 8.5 - 9/10. Though, i suspect there are lots of delicious salads out there, just that i've consumed so little...

Not going on a health kick, trust me. Caesar salad isn't the best choice for calorie counters... All that cheese. And bacon. Then again, definitely less calories than fettuccine carbonara.

Am now searching for the best Caesar around town? Any recommendations? Sis told me to try the chicken caesar at Chilis...

I remember i had an overwhelming smoked salmon caesar salad at Tony Roma's and they must have sprinkled way too much parmesan to the extent that it reeked of... parmesan cheese, plus they gave us like two FILETs of smoked salmon. Not slices. Filets! Super salty and not enough lettuce to balance it out. Still, you don't find such generosity with ingredients everyday.. XD

Speaking of the hellish gym session.


All gym members are entitled to two free sessions with the rapid results trainer as an intro to the gym and all the torture machines there. Just tell the trainer what your goals are: lose weight (bingo!), gain weight, strength training, muscle toning, flexibility.. whatever. And they'll recommend exercises that can help you achieve them.

For some reason, in all my years at the gym, i have never claimed my two sessions. Which was why i met Ariffin on Friday. And after my little "consultation" with him, he led me to the treadmill for 15 minutes of hardcore uphill brisk power walk. Agonizing pain, man.

After 15 mins of huffing and puffing, quads / hamstring / glutes machines. And after that back / biceps + chest / triceps. 20 reps, medium weight, 2 sets each. Normally i would just go for 8-10 reps, slightly heavier weight, then 3 (2.5 sets usually coz am lazy).

It's the 20 reps that's the difficult part. Medium weight is fine, but having to do it many many times is no fun at all. Apparently this is to increase endurance or something. Or something else... For my size. Ah i wasn't paying attention.

Thing about these rapid results trainers... They won't let you off so easily. 20 means 20 reps. And they count. At one point my arms were just cramping up and refusing to push anymore, but he was like "come on, just 10 more!" Urgh.. But i guess that's just what i need, since i don't have much discipline.

So now, my body's aching like nuts. I nearly fell down the escalator the other day coz my thighs kept jellying-up and i couldn't control my step, especially when i'm going down the stairs. i have to clutch at the railings while making my way gingerly down like some cacat feller. Sigh... This is the "pain" component of the "no pain no gain" formula huh?



Tuesday, September 15, 2009


U know la. It was that time of the month. xD

This time, i paid a visit with NSC, fish and Nico to D'Lish, which is pretty similar to Delicious cafe. Same parent company, different style. D'Lish has a grab-and-go concept and is quite popular with the working crowd during lunch hour.

But i wasn't there to grab a quickie sandwich. Nuh-uh! I was there for their D'lish D'sserts!

I've been wanting to give D'lish desserts a try, but the last time i was at Mid Valley, i was dismayed to find that the D'lish branch there had been replaced with Delicious. So this time, Bangsar Village.

Uwarrgh!!!! Such a mouth-watering display. :(

I bought this adorable furry little snowball cupcake, with umbrella. :P

After reading rave, rave reviews from Pinkpau's blog, i decided to try their cupcake. And goodness, it was just awesome! The icing is not too bad, slightly butter-coarse-sugary with a delightful coconut crunch. But the best part is the cake itself.

I have never tasted a cupcake quite so velvety! Just fascinatingly light, and moist, with a slight hint of creaminess. Woah! Best! Cupcake base ever! Which makes me want to try their other cupcakes.

Nico's double chocolate ganache with marshmallow. Supposed to be smothered with chocolate lava!! But since we arrived pretty late and they were taking last calls, we decided to grab and go. I missed out on a whole lot of variety of cupcakes, like the fancy Raspberry Cheese Curl thingy.. Or some other Chocolate Curls...

The Almond Toffee bar caught my eye. D'lish has a range of biscuit-bar sort of desserts, and being an almond fan, i chose this! A tad sweet for the topping, but the biscuit bottom was delicious.

I was kinda irritated when i found out that a) they were closing early at 9.30, and b) they've scrapped their whole 30%/50% discount after 8pm/9pm. I went expecting a discount, after reading about it on many food blogs.

Still, desserts still taste awesome regardless of price. If i ignore the fact that my awesome-tasting dessert amount had been reduced by 30% / 50%. :(

Thursday, September 10, 2009


i had the worst Teh C Ais today. i had a hankering for something less sweet today, so i ordered the un-sweet Teh C.

And they gave me Teh Ais instead, that was fucking sweet to the extent that it tasted like 50% condensed milk wtf!! Where got sweet Teh C ais one har>??

Obviously damn du lan la. It's like those KFC situation "i don't want wings and drumstick", but you get nothing BUT wings and drumstick!! Damn aggravating! Idiots! Seriously.

U know ppl always ask for "kurang manis" but they don't give a fuck and give u freaking sweet drinks anyway? This time i ordered a drink with completely different name leh! I was already driving away when i took a sip and, i wanted to spit it out.. X( I threw the packet away in the uni carpark.

i always try to finish all my food / drinks. but this was intolerable... bleargh!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


My first crush is back home for good after soo many years.. One of a good friend ask whether we all can go out for berbuka together? buterflies in the air..

Assignment is sooo damn banyak! quizzes over the week. weekend classes... and fear of all common test await after raya... please save me

Someone kept harrassing me lately wif all da calls n nasty sms-es. Another secret admirer perhaps? sorry im taken

Talk about taken, where is my boyfriend anyway? owh still.. busy wif his work around the clock. My advise dont date wif an accountant. They have no life!

Pathetically i still dont have a baju raya.. nobody bother to ask anyway.. NEXT!

There is one guy who kept asking me out for berbuka. well i wonder why when u're single for years nobody saw you. But when u're seeing someone, the spotlight is directly shot on your face
*betulkah muka org becinta akn berseri dari biasa?

Talk about becinta, my boyfriend is married to his work. I've received phone calls and texts from other boys almost all the time but only hear from him once in a blue moon.

Ish boringla, talk about boys je kan.. well i just dont understand how on earth i got lotsa admirer lately... Salah pilih perempuan lar diorg tu, rame lg yg cantik2 ayu n lemah lembut di luar sane..

Neway im eager to post about my new collection of tudung. Next post okay!

oke... i better stop mumbling and start studying! my new resolution BEAUTY+ BRAIN

Monday, September 7, 2009


Check this out!

I saw this in Burger King the other day.

According to the Touch 'n Go press release..

In this introductory stage, six retail merchants comprising fast food chains Burger King and A&W, Dunkin Donuts, Caltex Starmart, Cathay Cineplexes and 7-Eleven make up a total of 15 outlets around the Klang Valley equipped with the Touch ‘n Go readers for payment purposes.

The Touch ‘n Go application will also be applicable for payment at outlets with drive-thru lanes.


And it works! XD Pretty much like a credit card transaction, just that no signature needed.

I guess there are definite pros and cons to this prepaid debit card system. Convenience is definitely the main deal here. Imagine going to a drive thru, order, touch, grab and go! Freaking cool man.

But then, imagine waking up to find your car windows smashed and your TnG card missing, already halfway touching and going away with burgers and movie tickets! Geeez... I mean there isn't much security. It's not like your Touch and Go is registered and you can cancel it when you lose it.

Then again, the amount you pre-pay for is relatively little compared to e.g. a 5k credit limit... But hey it's still something right? Some people have got their Touch 'n Gos hooked up with a credit card / bank account so it reloads whenever the balance falls under some amount. So if a thief gets it, free fast food! And movies.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

dear diary,

*last nite i was wifi-ing alone at ss15 mcD till dawn
*sidia went to melaka to see his besfren toban. i wonder how on earth he can go to melaka late nite just lyke dat while making many excuses when it comes to subang. nuff said
*overlapped asaimen tensed me up. 3 of it dateline before raya
*owh have i mention, im in a spooky cc rite now? still alone by myself
*i can just called a friend right away to keep me a company, but i tend to be alone at this moment
*mind me my besfren is a boy which makes life's more complicated but yet i cherished this friendship wholehertedly. Girl friendship is dayamn plastic! trust me
*i dont avoid my uitm's fren but i dont think i can stand hypocrites any longer
*i hate people who friends for benefit. you know who you are...
*its okay, if u dont like me. just tell straight to my face and lets dont be friends anymore! Stop being double faces, n talk shit behind my back. i rather have no friends than coping wif u BITCHES!
*Seyesly im counting days to finished college and grads. cant wait
*cant wait for raya as well, i miss all my besties back home lyke sooooo much!! people who dont backstab yew.
*love, sabya

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Despite living in a cluttered and generally unkempt room, i have a secret neat freak within me. A highly repressed one at that. Unfortunately, it will occasionally rear its ugly beautiful neat freaky head.

I think the trigger is the Clutter-o-meter. :D Once it hits bursting point, neat freak me will take over and chuck clothes into laundry, arrange all dvds, wipe all dusty surfaces, mop floor (well, it's a small room and takes only a few swipes...) etc.

Sometimes i will make insane checklists and itineraries and to do lists like this.

Write it on my whiteboard, snap a pic and i'll have it with me all day. And you know what? it works! Somehow, i will manage to complete most of the stuff on the board. And when it's all done, at the end of the day, i will get a satisfying feeling you get upon completion of a particularly productive day. Oh man i'm going crazy.

Random pics.

This, fellers, is the Monash Research Assistants' room! Awesome! Y'see, i always get extremely extremely frustrated when i find the library full to the brim (like today, rainy day, everyone had to duck indoors), and the com labs all occupied!

Now! I don't have to struggle with the masses! I get vacant computers just waiting for me to log on! :)

Lockable cabinets at both ends. I can just chuck my stuff inside, lock it and take the key. xD Not sure whether this is actually allowed, but that's what i did! I'm a terrible employee. Oh. While we're still on the topic... the RA room is hooked up with the printing room... Of course, my printing are all relevant to the research as specified by my research supervisor.

More random pics. I was feeling really crazy for desserts some time ago, so i managed to drag people to Delicious cafe...

Chocolate Brownie. Sigh. No need to elaborate, hor? Oh father, yes i have sinned...

Peach Frangipane. Now this is quite interesting, and just as marvellous. Much lighter as compared to the brownie, the frangipane has a slightly burnt peach taste to it, with a crunchy crust.

Pics getting darker and darker wtf. My apologies, there was only 1 light source on top of our table and i must have shifted the desserts around..

Anyway. Sticky date pudding with butterscotch sauce. Freakishly sinful. The butterscotch sauce. Horrifically sweet though, and somehow the sauce just overwhelmed everything. But if you're craving something hardcore butterscotch-y, this is the one man!

Delicious has got a lovely (yes, lovely, dammit!) array of desserts. I was seated right in front of the dessert display and was practically going out of my mind. There were just too many! And all looked so deliciously tantalizing. Freaking desserts, all sitting there, calling out to me, drawing me into their... blargh!! I wanted one of each! Doesn't matter... I'll definitely be back.