Sunday, November 29, 2009


Can u spotted anything in this picture? What say you about the bride? Pretty huh?

She is pretty, i do felt she is very pretty. I almost agree with the proverb a picture can speak thousands of words but the eyes tell the whole story! The beautiful bride here is my cousin from Singapore. Last few years I still remember tag along my parents and my uncle sent her to "Sekolah Cacat Penglihatan" in Brickfields. Yes her eyesight is almost blind. She is suffering from Albino.

Albinism is hereditary; it is not an infectious disease and cannot be transmitted through contact, blood transfusions, or other vectors. The principal gene which results in albinism prevents the body from making the usual amounts of the pigment melanin. Most forms of albinism are the result of the biological inheritance of genetically recessive alleles (genes) passed from both parents of an individual, though some rare forms are inherited from only one parent. There are other genetic mutations which are proven to be associated with albinism. All alterations, however, lead to changes in melanin production in the body. Most humans with albinism appear white or very pale; the multiple types of melanin pigment are responsible for brown, black, gray, and some yellow colorations. In some humans there can be a single patch or patches of skin displaying albinism.

If u stare at the picture clearly you can see how white she is. In fact her hair herself is exactly blondly white. With blue eyes. She cannot stand the sunlight at all. And does not fit for any sports. The way they make-up her stands out the inner beauty in her as an albanism which is purity beautiful and she really deserves it on her big day. Alhamdulillah bertemu jodohnya kan!

nota kaki : Jangan kawen ngan sedara sendiri! the mixture of the same genes will create albinism!

lebbiu sgmk

I should have named this post as 21st PART 6 because sgmk treat me sushi king simply to celebrate my belated birthday because he wasn't there to make it on my birthday while he's still in the boarding school. I treat him TCRS on his birthday last august. Sgmk is eating the unagi set while i took a few plate of sushi. It has been a very long time since i last used chopstick so mind you my usage method of using chopstick is incredibly sucks BIG TIME!

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Anyway, nothing pleases me more than posting up pictures of glorious food. Well, except the actual consumption of said glorious food.

Tada! Pork ribs of El Cerdo, courtesy of Sis. And i must say these are divine! I fall for most sorts of meats that are grilled and infused with a smoky aroma and these ribs were positively smoking. Expertly marinated, i would say. Damn i can picture its taste in my mouth right now. :(

Served with some sort of creamy mashed potato and tomato slices.

Next stop. Grilled pork steak. Pales in comparison with the ribs, but definitely worth a mention. The pork 'steak' was tender, but does not sport as strong a taste.

Served with greens and a delightful bacon-herby potato salad. Mm hmm!

S'been long, El Cerdo. I must pay them a visit! Should go there for my birthday. Birthday boys and girls get a unique complimentary pig figurine! Sis has got a pewter one, a wooden one and a... glass one if am not mistaken.


I'm not a hater when it comes to religion. Y'see, my approach, in a multi-religious society, is to simply acknowledge that there are people of many different religious practices around. As long as their actions do not harm others (by others, i mean me), i won't really care what they do.

What i can't stand are the patronizing pricks who come prancing around on their high horse and telling you that "their god" is the only one who will answer my prayers. WTF man. I mean, religious-superiority happens, definitely. It's OK to think that your god / your religion is the best and so on, but keep it to yourself la. Fucker-face. So brazen.

Some people just cannot accept the fact that others have fundamentally different views and values. Instead of just accepting that seeing eye-to-eye is not gonna happen, they try to push their own way of thinking and what happens? War la. Idiots. Just let people be!!

Graarrgh!! V. du lan.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Where to start eyh? Been bz lately, being a father and mother to a 13yrs old fatty boy. My parents is away to Mekah for Haj. Blessed them. Semester break is very relaxing, free from any childish girls drama. Lots of pictures been taken these past few weeks, but im just to darn lazy to upload. But its fine with me, as im not making this blog to update people but to self satisfied myself instead. The freedom of speech is what makes me keep blogging.

Nothing much to be say out loud here. Except that i cook everyday for my sgmk. We eat out twice a week and sometimes my brother or sister will buy food for us. We go to mall regularly and tonight we are going to watch movie . Perhaps sidia will tag along, as my siblings eager to meet their future might be or might not in-law. Looking forward as well as this is our first time to get together. Kalo sgmk ader gf mesti best kan, haha. Will upload some pix later, if im rajin. Have to fetch sgmk kat padang in a short while. So till then. xoxo keep safe

Monday, November 23, 2009


After i came home from ball i got a call from Justin whose tyre got punctured. I was taken aback coz i didn't know how to change a tyre. But given the crime rates of late, and, it was kinda late, i popped back to the court to kpc.

So yeah! I changed my first tyre. Well, a tyre, with my co-tyre-changers JC and Justin. The goddamned car jack was those manual non-hydraulic ones, which required lots of twisting and turning. But oh well, a good experience. ;) Next time you have flat tyre, you can call me!

I think the phrase 在家靠父母,出外靠朋友 (at home, you rely on your parents. outside, you rely on friends) is pretty true. While my parents are quiiiite dependable, they are overly judgemental and unnecessarily panicky.

Was wondering what would have happened if i had been the one who tayar-pancat. Would have called dad.

Outcome 1: "The number you called is not reachable."

Outcome 2: "What! Your tyre punctured? Where are you? Where is your car? I don't know where is that place! How is the car? Is the car fine? Where are you? Always ask you drive properly you don't listen la."

And this mindless barrage of questions can last for at least 5 minutes if i don't stop him. So usually i just shout real loud and he'll eventually focus on the problem itself. Last time I had car trouble it was raining and i was running out of phone credit, geez.

I mean if "where are you" was followed by "Ok i come help u change tyre", i would be really grateful, but that's wishful thinking.

Wouldn't it be easier to: "Just change the tyres, then drive home slowly. Tomorrow bring it to the mechanic." Simple. Helpful. Instead of all those fucking "Where are you" questions.

Next, if phone not reachable. I'll call mum instead. Mum is generally more supportive on the surface, checking whether i am ok or anything. Next thing you know, being a natural drama queen, she'll wake everyone up saying stuff like "your son is in trouble. your brother's been in an accident" as if i was halfway dead and stuff and freaking people out. Fucking dramatic ok. Beh tahan.

So, in cases like this, a friend's helping hand would be most welcome. Not that i have ever received a friend's helping hand before, sad to say. I drive alone most of the time so eventually i'll have to settle things myself. Have to rasuah the goddamned police. Have to pay the people whose cars i dented. Have to bring the car to the mechanics (minus the repair expenses, no money).

Which reminds me, dammit, need to fix the headlights. Need to fix the damn bonnet as well. And the suspension oh wtf... Time to get a new car?

I can say that i'm actually a spoiled whiny little girl. But am just gaining experience and learning so that, some day, when nobody's around to depend on, i can help myself. And that's the best sort of reliance there is, on oneself.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


This is fun!! My conversation with Fish and SC.

Oil Steam Fish says (07:57 PM):
*i dled this 500 days of summer
*becoz of xing ji's quote
*"roses are red violets are blue...fuck you whore"

Wei • Shiarn says (07:59 PM):
*Roses are Red, Violets are Blue,
*Fuck me in Bed, Until ur tits turn blue

Oil Steam Fish says (07:59 PM):
*bian tai

Wei • Shiarn says (08:00 PM):
*it rhymes

Oil Steam Fish says (08:00 PM):
*u r dam sick ws

Wei • Shiarn says (08:00 PM):
*ok fine...

NgSC says (08:00 PM):
*tits bcome blue

Wei • Shiarn says (08:00 PM):
*Roses are Red, Violets are Blue
*i'm good in Bed, you don't have a clue

NgSC says (08:00 PM):
*cos lack of oxxygen?

Wei • Shiarn says (08:00 PM):
*ok this is more decent. but the previous one more geng la.

NgSC says (08:00 PM):
*i like the previous

Oil Steam Fish says (08:03 PM):
*u guyz are so sick
*the guy wrote tat in the movie becoz the girl dumped him
*and wat u wrote juz nw
*is like those bian tais

Wei • Shiarn says (08:03 PM):
*roses are red violets are blue
*fuck me in bed and you'll go OOOOOOOOOO

Wei • Shiarn says (08:04 PM):
*roses are red violets are blue
*you're so Dead when we do it in the Loo

Oil Steam Fish says (08:05 PM):
*stop it
*u r sot jor
*cannot let u write anymore
*or u will go crazayyyy

Wei • Shiarn says (08:05 PM):
*Roses are Red, Violets are Blue
*before you then, was a girl named Sue.
*Her hair was red, she sniffed super glue
*but damn she bounced, like a kangaroo

Wei • Shiarn says (08:08 PM):
*Roses are Red, Violets are Blue
*she once gave me head, in a zoo!

Oil Steam Fish says (08:08 PM):
*stop stop stop

LOL! I think the "roses are red violets are blue...fuck you whore" quote must have set me off!! And, as you can see from the conversation, Fish is a pussy. Those sort of pussies who type the word "fuck" like this: "fxxk" and cannot stomach too much vulgarity.

Monday, November 16, 2009


I am being sucked into this blackhole of unbearable boredom!!


One would think that i should be having a whale of time, now that exam's over and everything,. But i'm starting to rot! I need a game to play. At least something worth investing my time in, as opposed hours and hours of repetitive DotA.

Annoying thing is. I have got FurThong's glorious PS3 with me. But dad's carried the LCD over to the other house to test out some Astro wiring and all that fuck so i have to wait for him to get it back...

Anyway. Strange thing happened the other day.

On occassion, i would stop by this coffee shop in Tmn Mayang to buy their Chicken Maryland. So if i da bao, it will be crammed into 2 boxes:

Box A: 1 fried chicken chop, 2 sausages
Box B: 1 egg, 1 bun, grotesque beans, mayo, fries

+ bag of gravy.

Howeveerrr! While i was there the other day, a lady was also there to take away their ridiculous breakfast set.

Box C: breakfast set including 1 bacon 1 ham 2 sausages 1 egg, 1 bun, grotesque beans, mayo fries.

So the assistant must have screwed up and he gave me A and C instead.

Ended up with 4 sausages with extra bacon and ham.

I didn't realize this until i got home and was kinda stunned to see 4 sausages...

This is what we call "(accidentally) providing value to customers" to create "customer satisfaction"* and in this case it is incontestable value.

[meanwhile, back in her office, lady opens box B] "Where're my sausages /bacon / ham!?"

value creation under Pay-Same-Get-More. Ha! There's also

Pay-Less-Get-Same, which is something like GSC's Wednesday reduced ticket prices.
Pay-Less-Get-Less, e.g. Air Asia

and not to forget

Pay-More-Get-Less, a.k.a. suckers. This is what Madeline said la. But i forgot her example in class.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


I guess it's over, now. And i have at least three and a half months of time to myself. Hurrah.

And i'm gonna play that god damned Metal Gear Solid 4 / Assassin's Creed at last. But anyone wants to coach me for AC? I keep getting mobbed to death at that bazaar place where i have to sneak in as some priest or something. -_-"

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Quick + Random #9

Quick update, while i'm blindly crashing through the heinous maze of copyright law.

Been to Body Combat class at the gym and it was quite awesome, being able randomly throw kicks and punches at... the air. Marcos, the instructor asked for jumping kicks, and my shoe just flew out when i kicked, and it hit the ceiling and fell behind me. @_@

Gahh... Good thing i was in the back row so didn't kena anyone. And nobody seemed to have noticed except this woman next to me who doubled over laughing.

Anyway, random pics of food.

Secret Recipe's durian. Astounding!! I'm a sucker for creamed sponge layers!

Aaaand, after searching high and low for freakin' McCain's, i found them at Kota Damansara's ginormous Giant. First bought them at Cold Storage at Mont Kiara, and they were superb!! So when i returned, they were no longer on sale.

Uh huh. Uh huh!! I'm a sucker for curly fries, too. Forget about pie in the sky when you die. I want curly fries. xD

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

happy burfday mom!


I got an exam today's morning. Project Management paper, quite tough. In fact i was soo pissed off because some of the question have not been taught by the lecturer before! How to do a calculation that you have not been exposed before? stoooooopiiidooo Being told by some of the friend that the lecturer has just email the sylibus this morning. WTF. Ta payah kasi la kalo setakat few hours b4 exam baru na kasi skema. Since i came in late to the examination hall i have to seat at the first line right at the front. While doing the exam i saw the particular lecturer yg bijak pandai itu masuk berborak ngan invigilator, Na je aku angkat tgn ckp die ta penah ajar pon sume tuh! Saket ati aku, burn the midnite oil reading all the rubbish!

So after the exam i rush to the cafe beli lunch and balik uma, sebab nak buat suprise tuk bonda tersayang. Ayah in Bangkok, so nobody's home. It is quite irritating when some of the friends always condemned me, "asyik nak balik ruma je". Well people can say whatever they like, i dont give a single damn. For me just because you dont have a life, it does not mean that you can take away mine. At least i treat my parents very well. I wonder why some people can take their parents for granted. Beli baju 2/3 rat tade perasaan pape pon tapi kalo part nak blk kg, duit minyak, tol, tiket bas, kpl terbang sume bukan main berkira. Mak ayah hidup lagi pon tanak balik ruma, nanti mak ayah dah tade baru kau tau!

Well i dont wanna talk bout how rotten these people are because it happens under my roof itself. I have a history of taking care of my granny on the last phase of her life. I live with her for 6 months and i leave her to get into the lower 6 boarding school. A month after i left her, my granny passed away. It saddens me until today, how i wish that i dont leave her at that time. Right after that i switched to normal school for upper 6 so that i can live with my parents. Until today hostel is soo not my fav place. That incident seal a grand of regret inside myself. Its true, ajal maut di tangan tuhan, but how i wish i was there when my granny sakit...For me biarlah orang nak cakap ape janji aku berbakti pada orang tua, korang ade???

Out of topic Out of topic. Back to the main So after came back dari exam, aku pon menyiapkan suprise tuk mak dengan gigihnya. Jangan terkejut melihat gambar2 yang bakal dipaparkan.. walaupun aku ni kurang berperasaan but deep inside i ni berjiwa romantik oke. Orang seni biasalah... cett. Sila muntah di luar kawasan blog ini. Terima Kasih.



Menu of the day : full set of an american meal
fried chicken, buttered rice, baked potato, coleslaw, black pepper sauce, and green pineapple punch

"A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take."
When everybody walks out from your life, look behind and you will see your mum is always there...

Sunday, November 1, 2009

21st (PART 5)

thanks to all who never failed to wish me during my birthday. Some suprisingly wish in advance, Some besties made it sharp at 12a.m, Some fren lighten me up through the day itself, Some might belated but still flattering. I just want you guys to know that i love my life and every single people who play roles in it !

Here comes to a point in your life when you finally realizes, how beautiful life is treating you, until you have nothing to complaint about, and how you wish time will run slowly so that u can cherished every single moment with every single person in it. I felt completed and most of all, i felt blessed. Alhamdulillah

Breaded Chicken by Nani

Bluberry Cake By Housemate

Foggy By Norin

Famos Amos By Kysha

Swatch By Ayah

Pingu By Sidia
*plus hugs & kisses from people who are near and dear to me
nota kaki : Congrats to abg ean and kak erma for the arrival of their baby girl on 31 of October 2009! This entry reminds me that this gorgeous aunty have to buy something for the baby!