Wednesday, December 29, 2010

How Rude!!!

Tadi aku pergi Puncak Alam amek offer letter dari Berjaya Corp. Kronologi, before aku amek OL ni aku kol koordinator internship, Puan I (mmg nama sebenar!!) Soalan aku simple je, kat mana na amek OL ni, kat die ke or kat ofis? Pastu makcik ni tibe2 tengking aku, bahasa macam orang tengah meroyan na menopous, pastu maki2 budak event. Aku dah Wut The F, selama 3 tahun aku belajar kat uitm tu sume lecturer terbaik n best. even dekan and Cik Wan yg timbalan dekan tu pon setiap bulan aku jumpa die, setiap kali dtg mintak die sign beratus poster pon die ta penah tinggi suara kat aku siap layan ajak borak lagi. Kau koordinator je, na berlagak tanya cgpa aku berapa sebab ta paham soalan. Sekarang aku wonder aku ta paham soalan kau ke kau yg ta paham soalan aku. Aku rasa aku yg tanya soalan sekarang. Obvious gila kot die tuh benci budak event, biased na mampus. Ahh tana kasi die pahala free sebab buat ketupat pasal die. Dah la foget it, tapi serius TAK SUKE die!

Oke, hot topic skrg of cos la pasal BOLA. Seriously congrats MALAYSIA!!!! aku tana cakap lebey nnt ader org cakap aku tatau pasal bola sibuk na cite psl bola. hehe. but seyesly aku simple je, kalo kita buat salah kita mintak maaf. Kalau dorg salah, dorg mintak maaf. Tayah na point fingers sana sini pastu gaduh berbalas cam budak darjah 3. But anyways diorang mmg superb la mlm smalam!!! Bapak aku ckp diorang naek keta kebal tau pegi stadium smlm, mcm na g berperang, kne riffle 10 bijik pon ta lut. And diorang langsung ta dpt practise kat padang jakarta cume practise kat hotel je. And sepanjang kat jakarta mcm2 ancaman diorg dpt. See, ini la yg aku cube ckp psl CONSEQUENCES dari perangai fans Malaysia sendiri. Yang kesiannya, diorg yg kne tanggung. But thank god mental diorang sgt kuat langsung ta lari fokus. Hebat la!!!! Yang paling menonjol of cos la Safee & Fahmi. But HERO of the year mmg Fahmi the keeper la. Tanpa die, aku rasa kita kne blasah 7-1 smlm atas serangan yg bertubi. Tapi Fahmi ni mmg hebat la. Atau lebih dikenali sebagai Apex. Owh gf die yg panggil die camtu. Yes kawan-kawan die da ade gurlfren!! Diulangi, Khairul Fahmi da ade GURLFREN!! and gurlfren die pon ade blog. aku malas na link korang pandai2 la godek cari sendiri eyh. Kat fb & tweet skrg penuh nama die, jgnkan hanis zalikha, nora danish, lisa surihani, artis2 indon pon tweet psl die. Fuihh bahaya ni, harap mamat ni setia la kat gf die ehh. Jangan culture shock pulak. Personally aku rs gurfren die biasa je, sgt average, and tahap populariti boyf die skrg kalo setakat na ngorat Dian Sastro pon sebelah mata je kot. So all the best untuk mereka!!! And thanks to Khairul fahmi sbb die MALAYSIA public holiday esok!!! Heee New year eve, here I come!!!
Papepon aku rasa, Safee Sali adalah hot!! sapa tau die single lagi ke ta?? HAHA

Nota kaki: The commentators say "Khairul Fahmi is 5ft 8in, pretty short for a goalkeeper. But today, he stands TALL for every Malaysian."

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Am starting to feel the aftermath of my 3-week Holiday season binge fest. And in that period i've only set foot in the gym twice (and left after 30 minutes coz i was feeling lazy and my muscles refused to cooperate) and played basketball only twice.

Which is why am ballooning up like a great wobbly lump of sausage. Damn! And i feel ravenous, all day long. It's like my stomach has transformed into a black hole. Frickin' disaster.

Below are the stuff that i've eaten, not all in chronological order:

  • Bak Kut Teh,
  • Steamboat gathering at YZ's house,
  • Bak Kut Teh, again,
  • Seafood madness at YZ's house (2kg prawns, 1kg lalas, 1kg squid, + colourful homemade tang yuan)
  • Dim Sum, at Jing Xuan, Uptown,
  • Egg Tarts, at Tong Kee, Uptown right next to Jing Xuan
  • Hokkien mee / fried rice (multiple visits), at that Hokkien mee place at Uptown.
  • Siew Yoke (lots of it, mum ordered 2 large slabs).
  • Murni SS2 (multiple visits).
  • Meng Kee Char Siew, Glenmarie
  • Har gou at Seafood place at Jinjang (multiple visits)
  • Har gou at Boston seafood at Klang
  • Suzan, 1 Utama.
  • Fried rice and salted-egg har gou at Mayang Jaya Restaurant thingy.
  • Aunt Heko's Xmas eve lunch comprising of grilled salmon, mushroom angel hair, roasted chicken with stuffing, mango salsa, garlic bread, shepherd's pie, peach and banana crumble.

Random other stuff like nuggets, assorted carbonated drinks, desserts and .. argh i can't remember.

So for the past 2 days, have been trying to fix my entire system. 30 minute interval jogging in the morning, no food after 12 midnight. 

And if i'm feeling snackish, i eat half a sengkuang. Sengkuang is awesome. I eat it raw, and it is something like a mild apple. Faintly sweet, and it's so huge that after eating many many slices i get slightly full and sick of the taste so i stop eating entirely. :D


Bestfriends are hard to find because the best ones are already mine :) RINDU :(

Monday, December 27, 2010

Danau Kota

Seriously retail therapy is the best medicine. I always mend my broken heart spending hundred grands and found out that i have to fasting for the next whole week. I shop 3 new office wear and scarfs for my upcoming internship since my wardrobe is full of jeans & tees. The tops are branded but has been rejected or on clearance stock so they enter the uptown market. Similar to what we shop at RS & FOS but down cheaper. This is my first time to Danau Kota, and its AWESOME!!! It opens 10pm onwards till late and super crowded during weekends. Stuffs are all affordable and very very updated. The best and the biggest uptown in KL i must say. Thanks to my BFF who brought me here. They are the best!! We even ate at the street steamboat to feel the street hawkers spirit. Have to mention, this is my first time eating that stuff!!! Unfortunately hafiz got a bad diarrhea so he cant join us. We drop by to his house just now, he looks so weak and still did not solemnized his birthday cake since yesterday. We love you BFF!! Rest well & Get well soon!! I love you all munchkins!!!

Sunday, December 26, 2010


Sebagai orang Malaysia of course aku support and happy Malaysia menang. All the boys in the family pg tgk kat stadium, sampai keta along kena pecah lah bergaduh dgn budak valet yg nak curi tiket dia. Penangan bola kan. Aku tgk kat ruma je. Tapi aku dissapointed gile la bila ader orang Malaysia yang sengaja main laser. Memang memalukan. Asal camera focus kat indon player je mesti ada laser hijau. Paling teruk, Marcus si keeper Indon tu kena laser mata throughout the game. Orang kata player Msia pon kne jugak tapi aku ta prasan pulak. But c'mon la crowd indon tu memang org2 ta educated, buruh2 binaan yang keje kat Msia, so yang kau org Msia perangai macam budak tak lepas darjah 3 tu kenapa? Kesian aku tgk player Malaysia, serius diorang main bagus penuh semangat waja, freshie lah katakan bukan macam pemain senior yang gaji 5 angka, main sebab FAME. Tapi disebabkan perangai crowd Malaysia yang mentaliti rendah ni aku rasa diorg menang tak bermaruah because it is not a clean game from the beginning. Serius tanpa laser tu pon Malaysia boleh menang la. Kalau kau da betting and desperate sgt na Msia menang pon jgnla sampai camtu, mungkin kat sini kita tapau 3-0, kau tgklah nanti kat Jakarta, konfirm kaw-kaw crowd indon tu balas dendam balik. See, sapa yang teraniaya sekarang, player Malaysia jugak.... Nampak macam aku biased, but seriously Malaysian you should not be happy about this. This is not a clean game. Aku ada kawan baik dari Indonesia, Singapura & Brunei. Malu aku dengan diorang.. Aku suka dengan semangat serantau. Dari dulu aku lagi senang kawan dengan diorang dari org Malaysia sendiri. Reason?? Lu pikirlah sendiri...

Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy 56 years young AYAH!!!!

Ayah saya hebat. Ayah saya pandai. Ayah saya hensem. Ayah saya baik hati. Ayah saya penyayang. Ayah saya hero negara. Yang paling penting ayah saya hero di hati saya. Quote yang saya dedicate kat ayah setiap tahun, sama seperti tahun2 yang sudah "Someday i may found my prince charming but you daddy will always be my king!"

26 December, Happy befday kepada ayah saya. semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki, gembira selalu, dan bahagia dunia akhirat. Happy befday jugak kepada BFF saya, Hafiz Asraf!!! Befday die same dengan ayah saya. Pesanan ikhlas, semoga cepat dapat gf yang boley jaga you!!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Yellow heels

Goodbye yellow flops Hello yellow heels. It is funny when i just realized that my blogs has reach to 11,200 visits so far and still counting. I dont serve for any blog advert neither link it at any web because i want it to be retain as personal blog. Somehow the numbers really impressed me. If i serve for nuffnang, sure as hell i will be rich by now. Besides my close family & friends, i assumed that the rest are all silent readers. Hye there, thanks for dropping by. Until yesterday it makes a total of 12 people has confronted me to expressed how much they envy my life. Most of them are my close friends who follow this blog. I was laughing to myself. What are they envy about?? I felt very blessed with my life but trust me friends, my life is not that beautiful. You can see the pretty surface but you have no idea whats inside. Im not being hypocrite, if you think your life is miserable and envy me please try to be in my shoes for once. I have a lot of sadness in the world. I never won a lucky draw. Very unlucky in love. I have go through a terrible childhood days. And a very misery future ahead. Since 22 years ago, i was all alone most of the time. And i always cry inside. See, i told you my life is not that beautiful. So please dont envy me, cherish yours :) They said if you want to measure people's loyalty, see their shoes. Im tired of being the only one who wears the same shoe all the time when people keep changing like nobody business. So yarh, Goodbye yellow flops, Hello yellow heels. Oke does that make any differences...

Nota kaki : Apa pun yang terjadi, berjalanlah tanpa henti...

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Blessed 30th Along!!

Sgmk dengki tau, da la gambar aku sikit, die bole amek gmbar solo aku blur2... haizz ini pon third shot tau. From LCCT straight away shoot to KL. Booked table kul 9.45pm smpikul 11pm bcos flight delay.. Sampai mmg terus membaham la ta pandang kiri kanan sbb hungreyhhh yang amat. Anyways Tupai-Tupai Restaurant ni sangat fofular di kl tapi aku rasa steamboat die biasa2 aje... nuting to brag of. aku cuma mkn sup sbb tomyam die cam ta kne selera tekak aku. Selections of food was okay...ader dessert sume... And aku macam gile ketagih bihun goreng die. Itu je yang aku rasa paling sedap pada malam kejadian. Tiada kek untuk along. Kes sebab aku ingat kau beli, ehh bukan kau yang beli ke, aku tak beli ingat kau beli. Last-last tade sape beli. Ader saudara jemputan jugak, kesian dorg tunggu kami lama. And driver ayah yang da mcm ahli keluarga kami pon makan bersama. Duduk sebelah big bos lagi. Kenyang. Bye.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Have just finished bou-ing the whole 30 episodes of Gun Metal Grey, which turned out to be an incredibly (yes! who would've thought a canto-crime drama could be quite so well-written) thought-provoking drama. The main issue here is the inadequacy of the justice system and how it compels people into taking justice into their own hands by killing criminals. 

What i find most interesting is how the writers incorporate the whole concept of the grey area of ethics / morality into the script. Scenario: Rapist sends his victim a tape of the actual rape and she kills herself out despair. Rapist gets away scot-free from lack of incriminating evidence. Is "innocent until proven guilty" the best way to dish out justice? Obviously someone gets pissed and murders the rapist gao gao. And that raises the question: Is killing really all that abominable?Yes? No? Depends?

Y'see i've digested Vince Flynn terrorist / political thrillers one after another and from them.. I think i'd go with depends. The world can do without certain people alive. I mean, heck, it could take years and years to pass a new law (and judges can be too chicken to make any controversial rulings that could potentially set precedent and cause great ripples of change in the justice system), so taking justice into their own hands is the only thing people can do.

A completely different side of the argument presents itself in the latest plot of Smallville Season 10. Clark Kent and his band of Justice Society peeps are being branded as terrorists for taking the law into their own hands and punishing criminals. Obviously the government isn't too pleased. If everyone (with or without super powers) does that, society will descend into anarchy. 

So I guess there really isn't any right or wrong answer, is there? Perfect for an argumentative essay question. =)

Anyway, back to Gun Metal Grey... Was fantastic to see how injustice takes its toll on a person (i like to see good people turned bad. Like Sarah Kerrigan. Sephiroth. Arthas. Harvey Dent. Darth Vader. O man.. Thinking about the former three... Just gives me such a chill. Such a haunting chill...). Just fantastic.

Would love to type more but it's 9am and i haven't slept a wink since..... Woah.


Alhamdulillah, selesai sudah menduduki peperiksaan yang sungguh susah. Dua malam tak tidur, membaca dengan begitu rajin tetapi tetap rasa soalan yang ditanya adalah susah. Alhamdulillah episod luka duka sudah berlalu. Semua dilalui demi masa depan yang lebih cerah. Volkswagen Beetle 2011 dan Casa Tiara Condo bukan impian, bukan motivasi tapi sesuatu yang pasti mesti didapati dengan hasil titik peluh sendiri satu hari nanti. Pendakian di menara gading sudah hampir sampai ke puncak, dunia luar sudah menanti. Sebenarnya banyak tawaran bagus yang didapati dari orang sekeliling termasuk bekerja di hotel ayah sendiri tetapi tanam dalam hati ingin berjaya dengan usaha sendiri lalu memberanikan diri mengharungi temuduga maut di organisasi konglomerat yang menjadi impian duniawi. Kerana aku yakin satu hari nanti aku pasti memiliki semua yang diingini dengan usaha sendiri. Mungkin bukan didalam bidang kritikal atau profesional yang sering dimegah oleh para insani tapi aku percaya aku masih mampu berjaya dalam bidang yang aku ceburi. Aku memang imiginatif dan bercita-cita tinggi sedari dari azali. Tapi masih berpegang teguh bahawa jasa ibuabapa adalah perkara pertama yang perlu diganti sebelum mengejar impian sendiri. Mereka mungkin lebih dari mampu membeli segalanya sendiri tetapi tidakkah lebih manis perasaanya jika anak sendiri yang berusaha untuk memberi. Satu yang aku pegang sehingga hari ini. Percaya pada diri. Aku bersyukur dengan segala yang dimiliki, sungguh aku beruntung banyak berbanding orang di sekeliling. Tapi kita tidak patut berhenti dari bermimpi kerana mimpi itulah yang menjadi dasar kepada realiti. Janji pada diri ingin bekerja sepenuh hati, menggapai impian yang dijunjung dari kecil. Cinta, aku tolak ketepi buat masa ini. Umur aku masih muda untuk menyerahkan diri kepada seorang lelaki yang belum pasti menemani sehingga mati. Hairan melihat remaja masa kini yang mengharapkan lelaki serba-serbi, impian sekadar gitu gini dan perkahwinan dirasakan sebagai sasaran dan kejayaan hakiki. Hairan, sudah cukupkah ilmu dunia ini kau pelajari untuk membina masjid. Persepsi masing-masing. Bagi aku sendiri, berkahwin itu adalah satu yang pasti ingin aku lalui satu hari nanti tapi bukan dalam masa terdekat ini. Aku tidak mahu hidup susah selepas berkahwin jadi biarlah kita ada jaminan yang pasti sebelum tergesa mengejar kebahagiaan yang belum pasti. Namun persepsi ini tidak merubah yang aku memang sayang pada cinta hati. eternity.