Sunday, October 31, 2010

Otak sangat stress

Otak sangat stress.Otak sangat stress. Otak sangat stress.

Bismillah, hari ni saya duduk rumah baca buku aje. Bila peperiksaan semakin hampir jantung pon berdegup semakin kencang. Ader orang ajak saya pegi movie date niari, ciap na belanja makan, amek dpn ruma and macam2 janji manis lagi lah. Tapi saya tolak, tana la kua ngan boyf orang. Gila tak cool. Salah siapa, boyf curang ke or gf ta pandai jaga laki? Lantaklah yang penting saya langsung ta berminat. Saya tak terdesak macam banyak perempuan kat Msia ni, boyf & laki org pon nak rembat asal ada. Desperate sungguh. Oke cut off the topic. Jangan buang masa cakap pasal orang2 kampung boley ta. Masyallah sabya kenapa jahat sgt ni? Like i said before, im nice but only if you are nice to me. Oke insaf balik. Bismillah, Oke dari 3 hari lepas saya baca MCK sahaja. Gila takut dengan subjek ni sbb carry marks sangat rendah and lecturer pulak jenis skema giler strict tanda kertas. Selain MCK, ader subjek OB, HR & Research. Semuanya reading subject yang peperiksaanya berjadual 3 hari berturut-turut. Hari khamis 2 paper, pagi ptg, OB & MCK. Oke pengsan sekejap. Ini adelah final exam terakhir saya. Januari thn dpn praktikal dan insyallah terus kerja. Walaupun belum habis buat revision, and banyak bende blum hafal, harap dapat buat yg terbaik untuk kesemua 4 kertas. Mengeluh panjang. Oke hari terakhir xm adelah burfday mak saya. Ayah cakap. "awak handle, its all up to u" Dalam kepala terfikir nak booked dinner cruise kat Putrajaya tapi kalau sgmk tak balik, mungkin akan tuka ke restoran lain. Dlm kepala ade list seperti CSN, SM, & BSG. Yang penting restoran tu bole bersekongkol ngan saya buat gimik suprise sikit. Tengoklah mood saya nak yang mana. Haha best kan jadi event planner, semua orang kena ikut kepala kau je nak makan ape. Oke jumaat ni fluffy dtg kl. Gosip liar. Rimas. Oke. Bye.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Im not ready for final exam!!!!!


What is your biggest fear about making a total commitment to someone?
At the end of the day, i know i will sit at one corner and cry

Was the last person you hugged a male or female?

Do you give out second chances too easily?

You're locked In a room with the person you last kissed, any problems?
we might ended up on the bed. haha. j/k

Have you ever worn the opposite sex's clothing?

Do you know anyone who would just drop everything to come see you?
i believe that if you really like me, you would do whatever it takes to see me. Unfortunately so far nobody does :)

Is there someone you will never forget?

Do you think anyone has feelings for you?
Unlucky him

When was the last time you were told you were cute?
Everyday. haha

What do you usually do right when you wake up?
get my hp. hoping to get some sweet morning text. and naahh just another promo from Celcom!

Has the last person you texted, ever been mad at you before?
Hafiz. Nahh he's just bragging about the victory of Kelantan!

Missing someone you shouldn't be?
unfortunately, yes.

Have you ever fallen asleep In someone's arm's?

Have you ever dated the same person more than twice?

If you could go back In time and change things to where you could still be going out with your last ex would you?
Im tired of saving a relationship... I think that explains a lot

Think your ex feels the same way?
Wutever he feels, has nothing to do with me

Does heartbreak really feel as bad as It sounds?
Yes, heartbreak is just like a glass. Once it breaks, it can be fixed but it will never look the same.... Try me. Im going thru it...

How did you get to the last place you went?

Have you ever seen your best friend cry?
Yes, and im glad to be there

Was It a boy or a girl to call you last?

Is It easy for someone to make you smile/laugh?
No. I hate stupid jokes.

If your ex called you right now, would you answer?
Why not? We are still friends... I wont ruined a friendship just because of the fucking unsuccesful relationship

Is It cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
Geli. Oke. Bye

Have you ever had a best friend?
YES!!! and i love them to death!

Are you good at hiding your feelings?
professional i would say

What happened that was exciting today?
Having lunch at Parade with bro, abean, kema & ayra after staring at the same stupid books for hours

Have you ever told anyone you loved them and meant It?
I rarely fall in love. So once i confess. i do meant it.

Do you drink more apple or orange juice?

To tell the truth, i drink 2 carton of Peel Fresh Orange Juice every week.

Who was the last person to break your heart?
Next Question!

Do you believe In perfect?
nobody's perfect but it is how you see imperfect person perfectly

Who was the last person to make you laugh?
Hafiz. We are talking about how unhygienic and no civic of Malaysians while watching football. Gile pengotorlah dorang ni tgk bola. Penuh sampah dorg buang tepi padang. Soo uneducated!! Hafiz mmg support kelantan tapi he didnt deny dat orang kelantan mmg pengotor!! Obvious kot side N9, clean gle. Tibe camera focus belah kelantan, Nauzubillah!

Do you have a reason to smile right now?
Not really... Had a big fight with flufaay last night. *sigh

Do you have problems with Gays/Lezbians/Bi?

not at all. i wish I was friends with one.

Do you have any plans for tomorrow?
another boring study day

Ever really cried your heart out?
there's one night.....

What Is one thing that Is currently bothering you?

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Let It Be

Y'know sometimes it helps to be a little bit zen about things.

Like today, i had 10 bucks in my pocket along with my iPod while i was walking around in the supermarket. So i must've dropped the 10 bucks when i pulled out my iPod.

When i realized that i'd lost it, i was frustrated. Then, by miraculous coincidence, my iPod shuffled to "Let It Be", and i couldn't help smiling. =) Universe telling me to be zen. Haha

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Taal ke Tum

Rutin gedik di petang ahad update blog sambil dgr lagu Taal. Sudah kembali ke kesibukan kota yang penuh dengan ranjau berduri ini. Perghh ayat nak poyo je kau kan. Study week kini bermula tapi kau masih seronok bermain, buku dalam bonet dah berkewap pon tak amek peduli. Slides pon ta ingat da letak mana. Exam slip pon ta print lagi, ta kan na tunggu sampai student portal system down hingga terpaksa type sendiri slip xm mcm tahun lepas. pengakuan eksklusif. Janji pada diri, start esok selama seminggu pegi library study dari pagi sampai petang tak bangun2. crossfinger. da la paper 3 days in a row. 4 subjek. The last day paper pagi petang. huh tau mengeluh, blaja nye tak jugak!! ta kan na pegi skola lagi tahun depan??? sanggup ke mengharungi hari2 yg penuh liku dekat environment bodoh tu lagi. Full of hypocrites and Pelissssssssss. Im glad its all over. Tayah la na buat pape reunion pasni oke, mmg tade sape akn dtg. Janji pada diri akan belajar bersungguh-sungguh sepanjang minggu ni. Cuma dah reserve satu hari untuk main dgn BFF. hehe. Walaupun tak study lagi, otak dah mindset ta sabar na abes xm.
Ta sabar na holssssssssssss. SUNGGUH!!

4/11 : Finishing the last 2 paper!!!! Mum's extravagant burfday bash at night!!!
5/11 : Syafiq dtg kl, na kua dr subuh mcm jilljoe. HAHA
6/11 : Kaknum's wed. *cough
8-12/11 : JJCM, BFF, Gurlfrens, Kesayangans day out
14/11 : SMKTPG Reunion. Looking forward!!!!! Rindu seyh dengan uolsss
18/11 : Raya haji. Last yr parents kat mekah buat haji. So yeah tahun ni dpt raya 2gtha :)
22-25/11 : GFF on Hols!!!!
26/11 : ITALY ehh bukan FRANCE HERE I COME. france ici que je vience. ne peut pas attendre!!

Nota kaki : By the time im writing this i guess Syafiq is already make his own way to Somerset 313, Greenhouse Cafe stage. If ur in Spore, please do catch his live performance there every Tuesday n Sunday, 6.30-8.30pm.

Friday, October 22, 2010


Skarang ni ape2 event sume, ayah akan suruh aku organised. Arituh untuk 40 org. Kali ni 20 org. Sume makanan, minuman, dessert aku yg pilih. HAHA. Event planner yg giler kuasa mmg cenggitu. Tapi sebagai pakar pemakanan yg unggul, lauk2 yg aku pilih sume kompem sedap2 tau. So sape yg ta dtg mmg rugi. Antara 2 dinner ni, of cos yg latest ni lebey eksklusif. Sbnrnya same je cume second round dinner ni kita jemput kekazens yang ta dpt dtg the first dinner. arituh. So yarh tujuan dinner, Dr - Datuk - Datuk Seri = RM8888.88 - Rm11,111.11 - RM20,110,88. Nasib baik i baik hati ikut date burfday i in sequence tau, kalau i terbalikkan tahun kat dpn?? Kepada bakal suami masa hadapan aku yang belum dapat dikenal pasti siapa, please take note pada sebut harga yang terakhir tu. I ta kesah ape currency u na byr, tapi itu fixed priced rate MYR, no additional discount. TY.


Thursday, October 21, 2010

22nd - PART 5

I was treated like a princess the whole day and manage to enter the Royal Suite which costs MYR7k per nite plus free lunch for my birthday treat. All Free Of Charge. What more can i ask for this 20.10.2010. Thank you very very very much to atika, yanti & golden plam tree resort. I had a BLAST!!


I guess it has well been established that am a lousy cook. Most of my forays into the culinary world ended up in semi-disasters. =P

Like eggs turning gray. And.. well.. butter turning gray while sizzling like cray-hay-hay-zay.

Anyway, i tried cooking pasta again just now, because, i saw a packet of elbow macaronis in the kitchen and we didn't have any pasta sauce. So while i was in Cold Storage yesterday, i picked up a can of mushroom alfredo sauce. Parents were surprised, and somewhat excited, so dad hovered nearby to supervise. xD

Haiyo. Should have done this while i was younger like 14-15 years old but i was busy.. let's just say busy. Still, never too late to learn.

Lessons Learnt:

1) Never buy Campbell pasta sauces. Mushroom alfredo had this peculiar... aroma to it that wasn't very pleasing.
2) I should stir the onions & garlic till they're a tad more fragrant. All i did was give a perfunctory lil' stir, and then i chucked the sauce in.
3) Get the friggin ingredients ready. As it was a spur-of-the-moment decision, i didn't have much ingredients to throw in. No parmesan. No mushrooms. No bacon. No olives. Or whatever. All i could find was this frozen container of shredded roast chicken that i hastily defrosted.

Anyway, i think pasta requires the least skills in cooking. Chinese food, now that's a major headache... Things can go wrong if the heat isn't right, or the timing isn't right... But i guess in time i'll be able to cook, y'know, stuff... in the near future. I hope. :D

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

22nd - PART 4

Eksklusif muka tak mandi, gigi ta gosok, rambut serabut terbaik dari ladang. HAHA. Bermain di pantai pada pagi burfday. Pagi yang indah. 20.10.2010