Monday, December 31, 2007


Firstly, Happy New Year to my readers, who are scarce in number, but cares?

I spent my New Year's Eve playing basketball (yes pathetic, don't say it!) as the roads were freakin' congested like ants swarming a chocolate bar. When i was on my way back around 11 something traffic came to a standstill at the crossroads right outside 1 Utama. The traffic light was green but the cars weren't even moving. Everyone was rushing off to the Curve, and it was disastrous.

Anyway, i guess the "chic" place to go now has probably shifted to the shopping mall cluster at the Curve at which there are more bars and clubs to get pissed drunk. As always, 1 Utama sent some fireworks flying but they paled in comparison with a) the volley that came from the Curve, which paled in comparison with b) 1 U's 2005 fireworks mentioned here.

I don't know why but am kinda craving iced honey lemon. My new year's wish is to have an endless iced honey lemon fountain gushing in my room!

Sonnuvabitch. Resolutions. I checked back and discovered last year's (2007. although last year was practically... yesterday) resolutions, and here they are:

I will Not:

Consume more than 5000 calories a day (and that's a start). Well i didn't, at least for today. But i consumed like millions of calories during my Christmas bingeing.

Waste money on: difficult video games which will never come to complete; expensive yet awful food (e.g. La Gourmet House Folded Pizza); ugly haircuts; unclear pirated DVDs; etc.. Neverwinter Nights 2.. sighs.

Spend more than monthly allowance. :D

Study last minute for tests and quizzes but prepare 2 months earlier. Disaster.

Bitch about anyone behind their backs, but be positive about everyone. Let's see. Disaster.

Stay glued to the computer all day, but engage self in healthy character-building activities e.g. sports, art, religion. Basketball and gym, maybe? I did learn how to play basketball in 2007! And my baseline shots are getting better.

Be neurotic/ paranoid/ pessimistic/ cynical/ a dickhead etc.. Disaster.

Be rebellious. :D I did argue less with my parents, i think.

I Will:

Consume no more than 5000 calories a day. Look above.

Reduce weight by 10 kgs and build muscle to resemble rock golem or similar. Fucking disaster. Gained like 3 kgs after Christmas bingeing.

Purge room of all extraneous matter (including all SPM books). SPM books still here. They're at least stacked neatly on my bookshelf.

Donate all clothes which have not worn for two years or more to the needy. They're still here. At least folded neatly in my cupboard.

Spare a percentage of allowance to charity each month. Yes. This is great. I donated money to some handicapped children coz the idiot fund-collector (she came into Burger King, i'm not sure that's allowed man!) was relentless, ranting on and on about the poor kids and i was just such a kind hearted feller. Plus i donate to the real handicapped at the night markets.

Save up money in form of savings. Let's see... Disaster.

Be more confident/ assertive/ optimistic etc... Ditto.

Make better use of time. Time is money. I spend my time glued to the computer. Time well spent.

Be kinder and help others more. I donate money to the handicapped.

Cook more, in manner of Michelin Star cook/ cordon bleu or similar. Ah.. that.. I was getting round to it. At least sis cooked Christmas lunch with Thur and she said that it was nice but i never tasted any.

So there. I'm a irresolute fuckwit. And i didn't lose 10kgs.. Still i think 2007 was a wonderful year during which i have met many wonderful people, and enjoyed memorable experiences and have eaten a lot of food (regardless of calories). So, goodbye 2007 and bring on 2008. ;)

Saturday, December 29, 2007


Let's discuss trauma. 1 day after Christmas i was taking a nap having this mind-boggling dream which i can't remember when i felt this horrible sensation of insect legs moving from my neck to the side of my face. Instinctively i snatched whatever it was and flung it across the room where it landed with a thud, followed with light scratchy scuttling sound.

And i knew. Probably it was the stink it emitted in my hand. Perhaps it was the scuttling sound it made. Or the skin-crawling sensation (literally) it gave me. It was a freakin' cockroach. A cockroach crawling on the side of my face.


It was horrendous! I flew to the bathroom and scrubbed my face ferociously (yes, ferocious. secara ganas) with soap for what felt like hours, then i rinsed it off and repeated the process once more. Whoever invented the phrase rinse and repeat must have had pests running across their bodies before.

I bet it's the same cockroach. All the doors and windows in my house are installed with this netting to keep the mosquitoes from flying in. So some time ago i saw this cockroach on the netting of my door. Grabbing the closest can resembling an insect killer, i spritzed hairspray on the creature. Once, twice, and it flew at me with its shiny brown wings. I ducked, and it escaped. So it was getting even for getting a blast of hairspray.

Anyway after the cockroach-on-face incident i had a can of Ridsect on my table ready to murder the little critter when it made its move. And so its downfall came in the form of an accidental-improvised trap comprising of a plastic bag with a Ramlee burger wrapper within. So when i heard a rustling sound i rushed over with my Ridsect, went psst psst psst and the cockroach sorta pengsaned and i tied the plastic bag and chucked it into the garbage.

Dammit, my room is attracting cockroaches, and it's kinda hard not to as am always eating. Just this morning I saw yet another large one on the floor right under my aircond switch so i grabbed my pre-equipped Ridsect and gave it a head-on four-second spray. Instantly it was on its back kicking its hairy legs energetically. And yeah, it didn't die so i sprayed it again but it kept struggling until its last vestiges of life ebbed away.

Roaches have such impressive survivability. I mean, suppose a giant spammed a giant can of poisonous gas on me for four seconds, i think i would have died straight away. The cockroach still managed to kick its legs for quite some time. If you pulled out 5 legs from a cockroach it will still struggle with its remaining one until it died. This is survival instinct, no? Something some humans lack of.

Oof. And now my room reeks of Ridsect. Which is why am using this Green Meadows air freshener which is supposed to give a "light, country-crisp scent" which is just bollocks as it smells like any other lemony dish soap.

So anyway, my above long-winded post can be simply summarized as: A cockroached crawled on my face. I killed it afterwards. Four days later I killed another.

Simple. LoL. I've always had this long-winded problem since SPM during which students were expected to spew out 10-line paragraphs of ornate, flowery sentences ( calls this purple prose) that made absolutely no sense, just to describe simple things such as the scenery, or a car crash.

I used to annoy Fish who loved to describe a sunrise as "the golden phoenix from the east rose majestically above the trees... and bla bla bla... and the sky turned crimson/tangerine/rose-colour whatever". Each time he wrote that line i would say that his freakin' phoenix was setting fire to the trees. XD

My long-windedness was sorta diminished when i had Heko as my English teacher as she was an editor. She mercilessly slashed off line upon line of my essays "aiyo! why are you so long-winded?" Then came Mr. Tall Tan who wanted stuff, instead of just lines of flowery nonsense, not that i wrote his essays anyway. Those months of "where is your thesis statement?" and "what's your point?" kinda got to me, and i find myself frantically searching whatever i write for a thesis statement or scratching out useless sentences.

Still, sometimes i still wish i was still at Leela's english class, spewing out nonsense without giving a damn about thesis statements. Yes sometimes.

Friday, December 28, 2007

20 Reasons why you shouldn't get drunk

Now that Christmas celebration is already over, we can still see New Year celebrations coming soon in 3 days' time, and by then, we will see a lot of people congregating in bars, pubs and dance clubs. Alcohol will surely be flowing everywhere as people are enjoying themselves during the New Year's eve. Surely, we will then see people get drunk and some may even puke, and then suffering hangovers the next day, something that all of us wish regrettably we could avoid drinking heavily. Now, these pictures (courtesy of Olive Fernandez) show what happen if you drink excessively. WARNING! Some pictures featured here may be mildly explicit (some pictures show a little nudity, but not too excessive) and thus may offend some people, but nothing gross like a horrible, terrible puke, of course! You have been fore-warned! View the pictures at your own risk! And, if you drink too excessively, you may experience one of these!

Blog author's note: The faces revealed in these pictures have been blocked with black boxes to protect them from public embarassment and from being identified as the culprits and subjects of laughter/practical jokes, as this blog is a public blog. I, of course, do not want to be sued for defamation or anything to do with legal stuff by anyone if any of them happened to view this blog.

Reason 1: Uhhh... I got too drunk... Puking on the car (notice the smudge on the left side of the pic?).

Reason 2: Oops... I did it! Puking (and shitting?) beside a car.

Reason 3: Oops, I did it again. She urinated on her jeans.

Reason 4: Am I Adolf Hitler? You will have your face grafitti-ed!

Reason 5: Where should I sleep? Here? You might even end up sleeping in a toilet like this fella.

Reason 6: Apasal kaki kangkang? Too drunk la, of course!

Reason 7: Ahhh... my butt's on fire! A practical joke, indeed!

Reason 8: The 8th Reason Not to Drink With 'Friends' - Huh? Why am I naked? Sleeping naked.

Reason 9: The 9th Reason Not to Drink With 'Friends' - Help!!! Get me down NOW!!! Got taped up to the pipings on the ceiling!

Reason 10: The 10th Reason Not to Drink With 'Friends' - My new hairstyle nice or not? Porcupine hairstyle (styled with toothpicks, hahaha)!

Reason 11: The 11th Reason Not to Drink With 'Friends' - I am a "marked dead man". Got marked (with beer bottles) like a "dead man at crime scene".

Reason 12: The 12th Reason Not to Drink With 'Friends' - Ahhh... Why is my face all white??? Face got totally smudged with cream and holding banana.

Reason 13: The 13th Reason Not to Drink With 'Friends' - Where are have my shoes gone to? Ohhh... it is here, no wonder! She got covered by smelly shoes... hehehe...

Reason 14: The 14th Reason Not to Drink With 'Friends' - Basah lagi... Oops, I urinated again... Apparently her jeans is her "toilet"! Hahaha!

Reason 15: The 15th Reason Not to Drink With 'Friends' - Why are all these furnitures on top of me? Another drunk episode!

Reason 16: The 16th Reason Not to Drink With 'Friends' - The tower on my head. My very own tower, you know! Another practical joke; things got piled one on top of another on her head.

Reason 17: The 17th Reason Not to Drink With 'Friends' - This barrel is my wife you know! Hahaha... someone placed a barrel beside this drunk man.

Reason 18: The 18th Reason Not to Drink With 'Friends' - What's inside my mouth now??? Someone's placed something in this fella's mouth!

Reason 19: The 19th Reason Not to Drink With 'Friends' - What are all these things doing on my body? Why are they all attached to me? Another prank... hahaha!!!

Reason 20: The NO. 1 Reason And The 20th Reason Not to Drink With 'Friends' - What are all these scribblings on my butt? A face? Hahaha... someone drew a face on this person's butt and placed a cigarette on the butt hole... HAHAHA...

Now, if you think you are going to drink excessively, especially with friends, think twice before you hit that alcoholic drink! And lastly, an advice to all my readers and passerbys:




Thursday, December 27, 2007


I am happy~

I finally managed to transfer all my files from old com to new com. Phew. A humongous thanks to the giraffe who taught me about the freakin network connections. I tweaked the network cable a little bit (and tripped sis in the process) and sorta local area networked (is that what you call it?) the files over. 5GB + in 10 mins. Not bad. Compared to the horrendous MSN Sharing Folder which took goddamn long from 6pm till 12 something to transfer 3GB...

I think i have some songs in my com that i never knew i had. Using the Windows Media Player auto-search, i had all my audio files flying into the library, and every now and then i will hear a strange jazzy Michael Buble song i swear i never had inside my old com. There was also some sultry french songs and a few BM songs that sis sent me ages ago. Hmm.

Still. I am happy~

Christmas Eve BBQ at Vingie's Palace with The Shouters

Whoaaaa... macam Hollywood sia! But no... this is not her palace. We low profile geh...

I likey...

The lambs on fire

No photo please. Vingie with her miangness XD

The 3 Divas - The Hot Mama with her 2 Hot Dotters!

The Mama and The Papa

One of the nicest photo of the night - Vingie and Minny

Pippo and Cedric are also in love with Tinkerbell

I was sitting on Tinkerbell and checked on her teeth :D

Minny with Shiba

Vingie's not-so-silky terror Terrier and Mini Pinscher in the cage

Heineken anyone? Vingie, you don't hafta juling me just because i suut your beer okay?

Pippo was posing alone in front of Chee Hsien camera... less than a second later, we rushed in to be in the photo...

purely candid :)

pose 1

pose 2

pose 3

- photos courtesy of Chee Hsien

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


It's gonna be 2008 in 5 day's time! Another year has gone by, and another Christmas eve afternoon spent at Heko's Christmas Eve lunch. Most unfortunately, i didn't get a present except for this christmassy packet of marshmallows which was supposed to be presented to a little girl who went home too quickly that Heko didn't have time to give it to her. So... Yeah. Marshmallows. Yum.

No present disappointment aside, the lunch was pretty good. I stuffed myself with stuffing i dug out from the chicken. Yes chicken. I think she used to have turkey but somehow people started telling her that turkey is just grotesque, all hard and dry, so she made do with chicken. In addition to that i gobbled up eleven pieces of garlic bread (Mum was nearby surreptitiously counting the pieces, and she said "stop eating the garlic bread, d'you know u've eaten 11 pieces already?" and i was like wtf?), a huge hunk of grilled salmon and a clump of mango salsa.

The mango salsa was quite nice. A whirl of spicy, sweet and sour all subtly blended together. Heko was bitching about her friend Katherine who, apparently, has a really bad habit of spamming whatever food she likes without considering to leave any for the latecomers. And so, Katherine was eating the mango salsa non-stop, and Heko told her "can you stop eating the mango salsa?" LoL! Goodness... Must've been really hard to say that.

I was a latecomer, which was a relief really, as i could sit there eating (without considering to leave any for latecomers) like a glutton and not having to socialize with a bunch of bespectacled nerd-asses who overdoses on wine and calls you "young man". Speaking of wine, Heko bustled over and offered a glass of wiiiine. "You're old enough right?" to which i replied, "I don't like it enough". Then she gave me a Vodka orange a.k.a. screwdriver, which tasted fine except after i finished it i rushed off into the bathroom and alas! my face already had tinges of redness. V.v. bad visually, but v.v. good blood circulation. I guess. XD

Anyway. I love my new com. I still have a list of stuff to install, most importantly Microsoft Office (!), Nero, Photoshop and what not. I kinda wasted my money buying Neverwinter Nights 2. It's kinda disastrous, overly complicated.

Take the character creation for example, oh my god... There are like loads of races to choose from: elves, human, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, half-elfs, half-orcs, and planetouched (humans with a little elemental powers).

So let's say u take elves, they branch out into: drow, sun elf, moon elf, wood elf and wild elf, each with different stat growth! And then there are the classes: fighter, monk, druid, barbarian, rogue, cleric, bard, ranger, paladin, sorceror, wizard, warlock... and 20 more wtf...

And if you choose a wizard, you still get to choose a specific branch of skills to learn: divination, enchantment, abjuration, conjuration, evocation, illusion, necromancy and what not.. Oh my god.

And you get to choose their behavioural allignment: Lawful Good, Neutral, Chaotic Evil etc etc... There are several classes that requires you to have a certain allignment. The paladin, for example, requires you to be lawfully good. And you have to be evil to be a rogue.

I know detail is good, but this.. Is just extreme, no?

There is also this little glitch thing in the game that prevents me from progressing. There's this ruin that i was to explore and retrieve this silver shard. And upon collecting the shard there was supposed to be an option "Let's Go" that teleports me away. But the option never appeared. So i walked all the way back, and the feller said "why have you come back empty handed?" even though i had the silver shard in my inventory. I restarted for many times and still the same thing. Arrrghh!!

Still... It looks amazing. Neverwinter Nights 2.

RedGac Skin Revitalizer

R.G. Skin Revitalizer is the latest dietary supplement that supports skin health. It serves as daily skin nourishment exceptionally rich in antioxidants to support your body against damaging free radicals and to help provide nutrient support for strong cellular rejuvenation.

The products contain pure fruit oil extracted from “Gâc” (Momordia Cochinchinemis Spreng) - a native fruit of Vietnam. Gâc is a bright-red fruit that grows as large as a cantaloupe and abundantly on vines all over sub-tropical Asia, especially in Vietnam. A fountain of antioxidants, as recent research unveiled, this fruit is grown in home gardens and valued for its medicinal potentials. In Asian households, the redoily pulp is often cooked with rice. The bright red color generates the visual effect that represents good luck and joy.

The benefits of R.G. Skin Revitalizer has been proven by science that beta-carotene, lycopene and other potent antioxidants found in gac fruit help support strong cellular rejuvenation throughout the body. It's also the premier source of carotenoids which are in a highly bio-available form to support healthy skin and the body’s own defense mechanisms from free radicals. As a result, their nutritional value is especially important to healthy skin. For healthy glowing skin, your search ends here.

The Min Wardrobe

Tagline is -> So tell us, which girl doesn't shop?

Evelyn, I Min and Minny founded the blog The Wardrobe. They sell clothings, bags, shoes, accessories and everything else that is as good as new...

From branded goods to items that are cheap and attractive :)

Contact Minny The Great if you have any inquiries or just leave comments.

Send your fan mails to

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

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Sunday, December 23, 2007

I wanna wish all of you...

A very merry christmas and a very happy new year!

God bless...

cheers from work,

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Ashop Commerce

Ashop Commerce is the leading provider of hosted shopping cart software. It offers a complete solution for merchants to sell online. If you are a merchant looking for e-commerce software on shopping cart software, stop your search right here at Ashop Commerce.

Their award winning shopping cart software provides revolutionary online store building software with web based administrations that allows you to build any online store capable of competing with any other merchants' sites with a simple and affordable monthly fee.

Ashop Commerce has arguably the most comprehensive shopping cart software in the world providing the most up-to-date and appropriate advice you ever needed to get an online business start up.

One best feature is that they accept credit cards online and you can customise the design, features and all content of an online store by yourself within hours! Go on and check out their demo store and see it for yourself!

29 going on 30

Today is exactly the end of the 10th month of my 29th birthyear before I hit dreißig jahre or sanjyu sai. Yes, exactly 2 more months before I hit that age. The man who thinks he is still young, yet he gets older by the day. Now you see me in those flowery shirt? That's me. Yes, that's how I look like in that shirt. This pic was taken after I had one of my clubbing sessions in one of the local Penang bars.
They say life starts at 30, but no, for me, the real enjoyable life starts at my tender age of 22, when I first gained my independence and freedom while I was in Nottingham, UK, having fun with friends in pubs and bars and enjoyed myself till the wee hours of the morning. That's really the first time I tried drinking whiskey and beer till I get quite drunk. Life was good then.
Then, 23 hit me. And next came 24. Life was still great at that time. I was in Liverpool studying my Masters degree. Well, the good thing is, the British life is really a life after all! No wonder those British people know well how to really enjoy their lives.

Fast forward the time, and my age reached 25. That's when I started working, in KL. Well, as I was staying with my parents at that time, I was literally stuck at home. Can't really go out and enjoy the night away with friends. Guess my parents were really too protective. And so, that good free life stops there, albeit for a while only.

After having trained as an analog design engineer under the Selangor Human Resource Development Center in Shah Alam for a year, I was employed by a Japanese company located in Bayan Lepas Free Industrial Zone in Penang. At this time, I was in my third quarter of my 20s, that's 27. By then, those wild life started again. Hmmm... really, it did. Started going to some of those forbidden places, well, you know la, so I will mention no more. Clubs, pubs and bars I frequented on weekends and started to mix with various types of crowds, most of them being the crowd of the pink community, till this day. Not forgetting this blogosphere, I get to know even more bloggers of such community and one thing that really strikes my attention to them is that they are all inter-connected; I mean, they have met each other before, through this blogosphere community! Well, not really a big surprise, indeed. They are all nice people and I love them a lot, really. Some bloggers have even gone as far as developing kinship relationship with each other. How nice is that!
Well, back to my life. Quite late in my age did I actually get involved in relationships, and just only early this year did I have a true lover. Well, I did blog about this before. Remember that? Before that, I had relationship flings with a few people, but they didn't last long, the shortest I could recount was only a week. That was not really a true relationship, by most standards. It was a fling indeed.

And now, being in late age of 29, I still enjoy my life to the fullest, and still actively dancing the night away in pubs and bars in Penang. Still feel young and free, indeed. Yet, we all realise that we do get older by the day, not to mention that we realise all of us will die one day, sooner or later. To live is to dice with death every moment, that's according to Ru.

And so, you say life starts at 30? Nah, for me that's not true. Life starts when you really have the independence and freedom. And, tonight again, I am tagging my best friends along to one of the local bars in Penang. The bar of the pink community. We gonna drink and dance the night away. That's my life indeed.

Friday, December 21, 2007


Oh my god! I am Thrilled!

My new com is just divine! I got it! :D Complete with the fascinating GeForce 8800GT graphic card which Melv suggested.

One thing i know is that formatting your own com is such a pain in the ass. Before this my com guy just did everything for us. Now i have to do it on my own. I just finished installing the motherboard.

I still need to install my driver. (installed. God. It's fantastic to finally be able to get a DVD rom...)

I still need to format Drive D. (formatted!)

I still need to get used to my new keyboard as i keep pressing ~ instead of !

I still need to install an antivirus. The motherboard installation CD came with Norton and Kaspersky. (installed Kaspersky, which has a time limit of 6 months if am not mistaken)

I still need to install DotA (installed! play many many many games of it XD)

I still need to transfer all my songs, pictures, porn movies from my other com, which is gonna be yet another pain in the ass. (which leaves.. these. argh!)


Crap. Last night, while i was dutifully transferring my files from my old com, it shut down. Tried restarting it but it said some dumb file has been corrupted and i have to reinstall that particular file, which falls waaaay outside my miniscule pool of computer knowledge.

I guess i gotta ask KY to come over to fix it. Then! I can ask him to help me pluck and plug the hard drive so i don't have to depend on MSN's sharing folder *wince* to transfer my files.

I did, however, manage to secure around 3 gigs of songs so it's not too bad. I didn't get my entire collection of Jay Chou's albums though. Hmm.

On a completely different topic, Sis got her Tag Heuer. Cost three thousand plus.. -_-" Most annoying thing about that teeny little watch is that it doesn't look remarkable at all, except for the little red & green Tag Heuer logo. Sonnuvabitch. Anyway the shop keeper thought that dad was her bf (!) and suggested that dad got a matching watch. -_-" Dad was immensely happy though. -_-""

Thursday, December 20, 2007


My computer is dying on me! Dammit. It hanged consecutively for 4 freakin times yesterday until my irritation developed into annoyance and into outrage. So after i switched it off i opened the casing to check if everything's alright (actually i had no clue how everything is supposed to look like: i dunno which is the motherboard etc).

I was told that graphic card burning out or excessive dust in the casing are some of the reasons why computers hang. And there was dust all right, but thankfully in moderate amounts. Amidst the clumps of disgusting black dust i found a transistor component thingy. At least i think it was, i kinda forgot about all those stuff back in Kemahiran Hidup. So anyway it was lying there, no longer soldered to wherever it was supposed to be. Like damn. I still remember my computer guy telling me that the soldering in my com was getting old and therefore loose. Luckily i didn't use a vaccuum cleaner to clean the inside, or else i would have sucked out a lot more than just dust.

No matter. Parents are back from Europe and Dad's bringing me to net a brand new desktop tomorrow. :D

And it seems that my parents had a good time in Europe. They took loads of pictures and videos. Mum told me this funny incident in Switzerland during which dad wanted to play with a swan (v. nice swan though, they took a picture, with a nice number 2 figure) in a lake but when it came closer he buggered off afraid that it might peck him. -_-" Then there was another time at those sparrow-feeding areas where people feed sparrows and he wanted the sparrows to flock to him but they didn't as he didn't have bird feed. Ah. My dad. Very childish sometimes. XD

All they brought back from their trip for me were: Belgian chocolates (oh baby), a Fossil watch (oh well...) and a cacated T-shirt saying "Switzerland" (oh sigh...). I mean, they went to Paris! But i suppose stuff would have cost a bomb. Sis asked them to check out some Tag Heuer watches for her but the ones they saw were like 1k+ euro, like wtf... So, no Tag for sis. XD

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A typical day in Gurney Plaza...

... with some KL shouters!

nenek moyang must stand in front.

errr because... i'm the tallest. lol XD

Introducing Fitness First, Island Plaza, Penang - PART 1

OK, so now you all know I am not only a member of Celebrity Fitness, but also that of Fitness First. So, here comes another piclog. Previously, I was introducing Celebrity Fitness in Gurney Plaza, Penang. And that is only Part 1. Now, I am going to introduce Fitness First, Island Plaza, Penang, also Part 1. Without much fuss and more words to come, let the pictures do the talking because pictures tell a thousand words. Here we go...

The reception counter at the entrance.
The career advertisement put up at the entrance. Notice the leftmost guy (the one wearing the white sleeveless shirt) being hugged by another guy? Now, that's the guy I ogle the most. Cute, plus nice body.

The view (partly) of the front entrance reception counter and the staircase leading to changing rooms and fitness studio (to be shown later).

The male changing room (taken near the entrance).

Another viewing angle of the male changing room.

The free drink and rest lounge.

The abs workout equipments (the two equipments nearest to the photographer, that is me, are the stretch equipments, the rest are the abs workout equipments).

The top view of the cardio workout machines (the first row consists of stationary cycling equipments, while that in second and third rows are the treadmills and the ones nearest to the photographer are the step cardio equipments) - photo taken from halfway up the staircase.

Another top view of the free weight area. Notice those black weight barbells furthest from the photographer? Now, those weight barbells are weighed in pounds, not kilograms, unlike that in Celebrity Fitness. So, be careful when you hit those weights.

Another top-view angle of the free weight and other workout machines.

The entire viewing angle of the free weight and workout area (partly).

Part of the viewing angle of the cardio machines (some are hidden from view by the blue pillars).
There are more views of Fitness First Island Plaza to come, in the 2nd Part, so stay tuned, folks. And lastly, for those who have just joined, welcome to the family of Fitness First. For those who haven't, why not consider joining one?