Friday, May 30, 2008


Urgh my god. I didn't know grocery shopping was so tiring. Sure, wheeling a trolley round the place and indiscriminately chucking stuff inside was damn fun. But when i got home and i had to lug all the freakin' bottles of drinks (which i indiscriminately chucked in) and cans and whatnot. Ah well. Good exercise i suppose. No point complaining coz each time i did, mum would say "you know last time when u were a baby, i used to carry your heavy tins of milk powder home to feed you". Hmph.

Anyway i spent some 30-45 minutes standing around Baskin Robbins, waiting for these crazy people to finish buying their ice-cream (one woman bought 11 pints. another bought 2 value cuts, 1 half gallon and 3 pints wtf). The most annoying one was this bloody uncle in front of me who chose some sort of pineapple flavour, aaaaaand he asked the ice-cream scooper to scoop more pineapples for him. And he was given this "wtf" sorta expression. Come on la, the ice-cream was already pre-mixed. Like that i can say "i want pistachio almond, gorek more almonds for me". That would be most divine though. Almonds.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Time 100 The Most Influential People in The World

I bought a copy of this edition of Time few days back. Such a good read :)

That Facebook dude, my favourite author Khaled Hosseini and Mr Iron Man are in there! Their stories are damn inspiring!

I'm super charged so... rwar!



New plan. Instead of drowning myself in misery, i am drowning OUT the misery.

"How?" You might want to ask.

By drowning myself in junk food, that's how!

Last class of the semester was media studies and i left the tutorial feeling somewhat blue.

So vroom i sped off to the supermarket in search of large packets of Chipsters (no i don't sleep well with them, but i do feel fantastic just eating them crunchy crunch crunch crunch ahhhh!!!!).

Alas! To my dismay they (large packets) were nowhere to be seen as i strolled along the friggin' snack aisle. Giant, 1 Utama was closing, it seemed. Naturally i got just a tad emo!

In a fit of over-compensation i bought an array of junk food, among which was a divine packet of curly fries. Ohh.. lalala! Glorious curly fries.

(Curly curl curl curl ahhh!!!)

I swear, curly fries are the ultimate comfort food. The miracle cure to a depressing day. Baby. Say yes to curly fries.

I think i'm going nuts.

I'm going curly with curly fries! Ahhh!!!

Urgh i just can't get myself to start digging in my books. And the spectre of exams is just lurking round the corner, ready to swing its reaper scythe right into my unsuspecting face swoosh!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


I need to engage in some writing training, as i need to write a whole god-damn load of words during exams. My palm is aching a little due to some fast and furious note-taking yesterday during Miss Ghazala's CB revision, her 'revision' being her spouting out a looooong list of topics that we have to understand. And it seems that i have a lot of ground to cover for CB.

I found out, to my pleasant surprise, that macropolicy will have 10 MCQ questions and 3 large essay questions (20% each, 70% overall). They have already told us the specific three chapters (week 4, 10 and 11) that these three questions are coming from. So i just have to swallow all of them and vomit it out!

It's kinda ridiculous that they scrap our effort of paying attention for weeks 1, (2-3 assignment 1), 5, 6, (7-8 assignment 2) 9, 12. What's the point of studying those stuff when you're not gonna be tested in the exams? Still, am very much thankful that i can pinpoint which chapters to study instead of having grind through everything.

I'm kinda freaked about Media Studies. I've just glanced through the past year question we will be discussing tomorrow and they are horrifying. "Is the Truman Show critical of our media-saturated society or merely another product of it?" That's the question. And we're expected to write a fucking 500-600 word response. God i hate 1-line questions. No prompting whatsoever. Horrendous.


I know it's nice... gee, thanks :)

Monday, May 26, 2008


Now. Off to the Curly Hair Girl's classroom for my Monday afternoon catnap. X(

I just detest the whole torture concept of 4-6pm lectures. Geez. Anyway.

Last lecture. Exams in 9 days. 9 frickin days. Oh save me. Nights.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Tough Cookie

I was web cam-ing with Vingie earlier on and she was crying all the time. She misses home so much that she said she wanna comes back to Penang right away.

Gawd :( I hate to see her this way. My heart aches like fuck :(

It's gonna be all good babe. Once you settled down, you'll be fine :)

You're one tough cookie so go get them tiger. Come back soon. I'm missing you already.

Teachers day

Mengapa saya suka teachers Day?

sebab mak saya akan bawa balik banyak hadiah, yang mana semuanya akan ended up di bilik saya :)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Sun and The Fun

Comin' up real soon :)

Stay tuned!


Honestly, i don't get the point of these... tags, which is why i haven't done any prior to my last post. But since i have already done one (ha!), i'm gonna layan wingie's tag.

1.Real name - Lee Wei Shiarn
2.Nickname - Polar
3.Married - Nope.
4.Male or Female - M
5.Highschool - CHS
6.College - Sunway University College
7.Short or long hair - Long as in how long? Shoulder length? Waist-length? Long compared to other people's short hair long? Anyway, short doesn't work for me coz (according to some people) my face is damn big and i need at least some hair to cover-line.
8.Are you a health freak - NeVar!! Unhealthy freak, yes.
9.Height - Now this is the weirdest. Coz i've measured various times and i got 180/179/177 so am not really sure.
10.Do you have a crush on someone - currently no
11.Do you like yourself - Oh, i love you, reflection. *kisses mirror*
12.Piercings - Big No to piercings. Why do people like sticking pieces of metal rings on their body parts?
13.Righty or Lefty - Righty (i write with right). Or lefty (i dribble with left @_@).


14. First surgery - On the day i was born? Snipping of the umbilical cord? No? Then 1998. Me. On bicycle. Bang. Car. 400 stitches.
15. First piercing(s) - 400 piercings of needles? XD
16. First person you see in the morning - myself, in the mirror.
17. First award - Bronze medal for 1998 Commonwealth Games Scrapbook thingy.
18. First sport you joined - Cycling. I think.
19. First pet - A cat. Named fei fei, which means fat fat. And they say pets usually resemble their owners... X(
20. First vacation - Mum says when she was still pregnant with me, she and dad visited Thailand. So there.
21. First concert - First concert i attended was... Jolin's 2 years ago.


23. Eating - Hall's Honey Lemon
24. Drinking - urgh.. saliva?
25. I'm about to - Drown myself in misery coz Film Studies Assignment 2 was a fucked up disaster.


26. Want kids - no comment. just in case dad comes across my blog. oh. wait. he would love kids.
27. Want to get married - too early to tell
28. Careers in mind - psychologist / michelin-star chef / best-selling author / TV show extra XD


29. Lips or eyes - What kinda question is this? -_-"
30. Hugs or kisses - XOXOXO
31. Shorter or taller - Actually i don't really care. =)
32. Romantic or spontaneous - Spontaneous! If you wanna meet up at 3 a.m., gimme a call. I might or might not meet you but i will definitely appreciate the spontaneity.
33. Sensitive or loud - sensitive
34. Trouble maker or hesitant - hesitant trouble maker.


35. Kissed a stranger - nope?
36. Drank bubbles - bubbles from bubbly drinks!
37. Lost glasses/contacts - Lost glasses pair 1. Bought glasses pair 2. Found glasses pair 1.
38. Ran away from home - And come back hours later coz i need food?
39. Liked someone younger - why not? (copied from wingie)
40. Liked someone older - thing about being a PTS student is that most of my peers are older than me, so... take a guess.
41. Broken someone's heart - Not that i'm aware of...
42. Been arrested - in Grand Theft Auto (damn the SWAT teams) and Need For Speed.
43. Cried when someone died - nope but that doesn't mean I'm cold-blooded (copied from wingie).
44. Liked a friend - yes!!


45. Yourself - i believe in my... oh wait.
46. Miracles - yes.
47. Heaven - I believe in rebirth. So out with heaven.
48. Santa clause - how's he gonna come "ho-ho-ho-ing" in my house when i haven't got a chimney?
49. Angels - winged, white-robed and halo-wearing angels, no. angels who appear in my time in need, yes.


50. Is there one person you want to be with right now - Two, in fact. They are called Misery and Despair. They make good company.
51. Do you believe in God - regardless of religion, there's always God (copied from wingie).
52. Tag 5 people - Joseph, Danny, Brenda, Gezzel, Ennie (ha!)

Anyway, thank god for the fantastic Arts secretary for not branding my Take-Home visual test late. Bloody fuck. It was due 12p.m. just now and i went to print it out at 11.50. Printer got jammed. Flew to another com lab. Printed 3 pages. Got jammed. Flew back to initial com lab. And printed the last 2 pages and boom. it was nearly 12.10. Flew all the way up to the assignment box only to discover that the secretary had already collected them. X(

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

What's Your Love Profile?

Aries - Your Love Profile

Your positive traits:

You're quite the charmer. You've got the wit and attitude to attract almost anyone you meet.

Out spoken and honest, any date knows how they stand with you.

Fearless, independent, and willing to try anything twice - your dates should expect the unexpected.

Your negative traits:

You tend to be vain, and you expect your partner to feed that vanity often with complements.

Hot tempered and impulsive, you've occasionally ended things ... only to regret it later.

You're obsessed with being the best, most loved girlfriend or boyfriend your sweetie's ever had.

Your ideal partner:

A risk taking, free spirit like yourself - who can keep up with your latest wild child antics.

Someone stylish, attractive, and fit... who can keep you attracted for months.

Is hard to get - and lets you pursue things. You prefer to be the chaser, not the one being chased.

Your dating style:

Wild, unpredictable, fun, and daring. Your ideal date may involve a couple motorcycles or naked skydiving.

Your seduction style:

Honest and direct - you have no need for romance or much foreplay.

Show off. You like to show your lover how you're the best ever.

Ambitious. You often like to go all night - or aim for multiple orgasms.

Tips for the future:

Start to believe in second and third chances. You don't have to dump them so fast.

Savor the process. Sometimes the best part of falling in love is taking things in slow motion.

Let go of comparisons. If someone's with you, then you've already one. Stop worrying about exes.

Best color to attract mate: Red

Best day for a date: Tuesday

Monday, May 19, 2008

Friday, May 16, 2008

Mini Hiatus



Oh whee! I've finally handed in the last of my fucked-up assignments and i'm free! Which explains why i'm doing this ridiculous questionnaire ennie has got me doing:

1. Do you eat a lot of fast food?
Now that's a good question.

2. Besides your mouth, where is your favorite spot to get kissed?
Uh.... Hmm! I don't really get kissed much. 0_0 but... My knuckles, perhaps? Or fingertips.

3. Were you happy when you woke up today?
I was both happy and panicky. Happy coz i was handing up my last assignment and panicky because i was freakin out that i might not finish it.

4. Have you ever streaked?
If i had, i would've been arrested for murder!

5. Are you an understanding person?
Yes. I think...

6. What was the last movie you saw in theaters?
Ironman! It was fun. I want that sexy red gold suit. And i agree with Yoong about Pepper Potts. She's just... plain.

7. Did you pray before you went to bed last night?
I stayed up all night. Wouldn't have prayed anyway.

8. What did you last get upset about?
I can't really remember. Argh. I don't really get upset about things. I'm cool, calm and collected. CCC.

9. Do you eat candy on a daily basis?
Minty candies, mostly when i'm around people coz i get paranoid that the garlic/onion from my food will come wafting out and.... Urgh.

10. Does it make you happy to get letters in the mail?
I like the occasional letter, even though it is from Monash prompting me about tuition fee payments. Little surprises are fun.

11. What are you looking forward to this summer?
It's eternal summer here in Malaysia, fuck. What is there to look forward to? Nothing but sweltering heat.

12. Who was the last person you ate with?
Errrm. Fish (steamed), Bear (brown) and NSC @ Sushi Zanmai.

13. Do raisins belong in cookies?
Never!! They do belong in coleslaw though. I like raisined coleslaw. It's weird but i just do.

14. What's your screen name?
Wei | Shiarn •·.·´¯`·.·•

15. Walking into a party, what's the first thing you notice?
Woah wtf i don't know anyone.

16. Are you currently taking a science class in school?
Is social science considered as science class?

17. You've just won a free vacation to either South America or North Korea?
South America. At least they speak some English there [exact copy of Ennie's answer].

18. Kiss on the first date?
Depends. Yes if i'm eating a minty candy! Wtf. XD

19. Would you rather have chicken or steak?
Depends. Some steaks are god-awful. Y'know. 70% of the time i'll take steak and 30% chicken.

20. What's one thing you've learned?
That i should always start doing my assignments the minute i get them and not procrastinate. Yeah... right.

21. Who was the last person you took a picture of?
Myself. Or at least, my hair. Was trying to get a look at my highlights.

22. Would you ever donate blood?
I might... But i'm not the healthiest specimen around la... God knows what toxic chemicals i have pumping in my veins...

23. How many snack machines are in your school?
0! 0! Zer0! Not that i know of. I think there's this pathetic little beverage vending machine and that's not considered as snacks.

24. Have you ever felt replaced?

25. Are there deerheads covering any walls in your house?
Deerheads huh. Oh wait i think i saw a moose head the other day. Come on! Nobody goes hunting around here.

26. Do you believe in karma?
What goes around, comes around, baby [exact copy of Ennie's answer].

26. Have you ever been asked out?
Yes/No. Depends on how you define "ask out"?

27. Are you good at telling jokes?
I say funny things, both intentionally and unintentionally. But i don't tell jokes.

28. Do you wish you had smaller feet?
Geeez! I have small enough feet already wtf! I wear 9/9.5 and my friends actually wear size 11/12. V. bad to have small feet and big body as it hurts like fuck when i sprain them. I think i got it from Granny. She has the smallest shoe size ever. I think it's 4. In fact i have the largest shoe size in the family already.

29. Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
Let me think. Maybe. Depends on how you define "best friend", really.

30. When ordering sushi, what do you get?
Forget about the goddamn sushi. Order the soft-shelled crab temaki, baby!

31. How many of your friends have seen you naked?
0. Again. Murder.....!!

32. Do you write in cursive or in print?
Depends on my mood. Cursive when i'm scribbling stuff real fast. Print when i want to be impressively neat but usually it starts in print but it gets slobbier and more cursive.

33. What were you doing at 10 am?
Furiously doing the fucked-up in-text citations like i was going mad.

34. Are you different now than you were six months ago?
Hell yes. My hair is black now. My eyesight is going down the drain. I'm slaving in uni while i was holidaying six months ago!

35. What was the last beverage you spilled on yourself?
I can't really remember. I just knew it was something bottled, like yogurt drinks or chrysanthemum tea coz i tilted the bottle too much and the beverage just poured out. Then again it could have been just water.

Now. I'm done. And it's time to repay some seriously accumulated sleep debt before basketball tonight. Bleugh.

Thursday, May 15, 2008


I am now experiencing mixed feelings.

On one hand am nervous and panicky as am afraid i might not be able to finish my assignment.

On the other hand i am elated as this is my last assignment. I am reaching the finish line of the sizzling-charcoal-strewn path and the torment is nearly over!

Obviously it's not healthy to be experiencing such extreme opposites of feelings, but it's just happening! They're swirling around in me and for one moment i am damn happy and another i feeling jittery thinking "damn damn damn".

Damn damn damn! I have better get back to my assignment. Will post approx 24 hours later. Not tonight as it's basketball night! Without any assignments! Whee! You see what i mean? It's a vicious cycle.

Anyway. Dr Yeoh's notes on the critical political economy are useless and pathetically brief. I managed to get a copy of the Australian notes and they're really comprehensive. Covers everything i need for the CPE. Thank goodness. =)

Book of the Year 2008 @ Borders

I was mesmerized by the book's title... so I decided to check it out.

Note that the book is written by a Dr and the selling line "Over one million copies sold" plastered across the cover.


And so i flipped it open...

I was like...WHAT THE FUCK?!

... then only I realized that the gift book for women is printed with white blank pages to convey the message...

Men know NOTHING about women


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

What Sign Is Your True Love?

Your True Love Is a Cancer

Why you'll love a Cancer:

Cancer's loyal and sincere heart makes your own sensitive heart melt.

Caring and devoted, a Cancer will take the lead in pursuing you - and not give up!

Why a Cancer will love you:

You're laid back enough to deal with Cancer's little mood swings and freak-outs.

A fellow homebody, you know how make Cancer comfortable and at home with you.

Cancerians! Faster come to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I love youuuuuuuuuuuuuu!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Alrighty. I have some funky pictures here. :D

The new Sushi Parlour in 1 Utama is called Sushi Zanmai! Woolalala. It's situated near MPH. I think one of its subsidiaries is also open in 1 Utama, called Pasta Zanmai located next to Carl's Jr.

A pretty simple menu design. The mandarin characters 寿司三味 mean triple-flavoured sushi, and i have no idea why is that coz they definitely have more than 3 types of sushi. A whole freakin' variety actually.

They came revolving on this conveyor belt. But we went there too late so the plates of sushi on the conveyor belt was limited. Either that or some fucktards sitting on the point of origin kept snapping up all the good sushi.

California maki. I think. The menu said there is avacado inside but DO YOU see any avacado wrapped within? Nope. But it tasted fine anyway. Typical sushi. Or should i say "soo-see". Ha!

Another typical sushi. Salmon. Nothing much to say about it. Fresh salmon. Clump of rice. Dip it into soy sauce = ahh! I'm very happy with the pictures taken. It isn't really artistic like some professional photography, but clarity-wise they are wonderful and un-grainy for a 3.2 megapixel phone camera. The lighting in Sushi in Zanmai is fantastic for photo-taking, so if you're looking for a place to camwhore, this is the place for you.

Salmon and Tuna salad. They tasted fabulous so pardon me for eating cooked and mashed up fish in a sushi parlour.

Perhaps the highlight of our visit to Sushi Zanmai is THIS! This orgasmic cone of bliss. Soft-shelled crab temaki. Holy fuck it was so divine i wanted to drown myself in a sea of these temakis. The soft-shelled crab was crunchy, the fish roe, mayonnaise and crisp seaweed blended together to create this heavenly experience that i simply cannot think of words to justify that feeling. Just pop over to Sushi Zanmai for THIS and you'll know. ;)

Argh. I didn't get to snap pictures of YZ's Soft-shell crab Maki which didn't taste as good as the temaki. I didn't manage to get a picture of ZY's salmon don which was basically rice topped with slices of salmon and a few bijis of salmon roe. Neither did i get SC's huge bowl of curry udon which sucked like hell like maggi mee curry soup.

Their incredibly clean kitchen is sorta square-shaped with glass barriers, and its open-planned (is that what u call it?), open to the public's eye. I sat right next to one of the glass barriers so i snapped a pic of the chef prodding some swirly stuff in the saucepan.

No Jap restaurant is complete without these. :)

Argh! I can't resist putting another picture of these! Man.

If you visit Sushi Zanmai from now till the 31st of May, and spend more than 100 bucks, you will get a free RM20 voucher. Not a bad deal, isn't it?

This is a cake Sis and Thur got for Mum on Mother's Day!

Strawberry Shortcake from Bakerzin and OmG it was just divine. The cream. Oh the cream on top was the freshest ever! Apparently it's some Japanese cream but i didn't care. I just crammed it into my mouth. The inside comprised of two fluffy butterish-spongey layers sandwiching more cream and fresh strawberries. No rubbish artificial strawberry stuff. Oh baby. Orgasmic! :D The Mother's Day message was written on this strange sugary layer of... what i suspect to be marzipan. Or licorice.

Sunday, May 11, 2008


Life has never been better, darlings.

Dr Yeoh has just extended the assignment due date till Friday. He asked the class "who wants an extension?" and there was a sea of raised hands in the lecture theater, much to the disapproval of tutors Melody and Shi Ying.

Shi Ying was most surprised (shocked, too) when she found out on Thursday that i hadn't started on my Film Studies essay which was due Friday. "What... what kind of time management is this?" LoL! And i replied with my fantastic motto: Last minute works are the best of mine. Nyahaha!

Anyway, thank god it's (due on) Friday? XD Dr Yeoh rocks. I'm so gonna give him full marks for the MonQuest lecturer evaluation! :D Now, i have got four days to complete the assignment. More than enough, and i'm really happy. I'm 3/4 on the sizzling-charcoal-strewn path and the charcoals have cooled a little. Not bad, eh?

Just submitted my macropolicy assignment! A huge thanks to Vi Ling who helped me a lot with blarrrdy question 2. Stupid question. We have completely different answers. And we don't know which is correct. I went to look for Dr Muthi just now, hoping to extort some last minute info but i noticed a notice that notified me of his medical leave today. Damn.

Sighs. 3 down. 1 more to go! Phew.

What i'm craving now are:

i) A good sleep before consumer behaviour starts. I think i'll sneak to Renee-curly-haired-girl's accounting classroom on the 4th floor.
ii) Sushi! Yes sushi. There's this new sushi parlour in 1 Utama, located near MPH and the sushis look simply divine! I like the feeling of chucking sushis into my mouth, one after another! Sushis are meant to be devoured this way! CP the grasshopper has got this annoying way of taking 3-4 bites before finishing one measly piece of sushi and that's just illegal.
iii) Bakerzin's Strawberry Shortcake i had yesterday. God it was fantabulous. Bloody Sis. All her fault for getting me addicted.

Que Sera Sera

Been thinking a lot of late, some mornings I woke up to join the rat race together with other working folks without knowing my life's rightful directions.

I am a very ambitious person but I am skeptical of my own doings and what I am capable of achieving. But yet, I know there's a lot I can do - the possibilities are endless. Yea, sky's the limit :)

I wanna see myself... revamped. I need to make changes. I wanna be someone very successful. These are my vows and I vowed to make it happen.

I wouldn't complain about my life now really. I've got my family with me. I've got a bunch of the world's greatest friends. I've got some really good companions to spread the love and spend the time with. So tell me, what's there to rant about?

But still there's something missing... it's both clear and vague of what I really want in life. I wanna go somewhere new, to some place where nobody knows me to start all over again. To live my life the way I want to... and to love.

I wanna love you, whoever you might be. I've got so much love inside of me and I wanna share it with you. Are you here yet?

happy mothers day

Saturday, May 10, 2008


Lesson learnt: never stay up all night doing assignments, two days in a row. Wtf!


Anyway i've handed in my CB and film studies assignments. So, whee! Two more to go. I guess i'll just have to freakin' grit my teeth and run across the sizzling-charcoal-strewn path and emerge victorious!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Second Payout from Nuffnang

Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Thank you Nuffnang! :)))

Please gimme some more... gimme~ gimme~ gimme~~

Monday, May 5, 2008


Stupidest stupidest thing happened today when i arrived in campus. I sprained my ankle, by just walking. I was walking walking then suddenly my shoe just sorta twisted over and i sprained my ankle. Fucked-up! Luckily it was a minor sprain, as i somehow instinctively (good to hear that i actually have instincts) jumped up and kept my body weight off the ankle. Would have been a nasty sprain if i had fallen.


Been playing with the absolutely brilliant Google Earth

This is where i play basketball. Basketball Court 1 is a pretty good one that we've discovered last week. I used to play near Tmn Mayang Jaya but the night lighting got spoilt so it became really dim, shadows everywhere. And poor visibility just sucks so we shifted to Courts 1 and 2 with fantastic bright lights. :D As you can see here, i managed to locate the exact location of the court. Ain't it fun? Just 5-10 mins away.

Google Earth even has the road names and i can locate my own house. I want it wired in my car! Then i can start exploring places. :D

Sunday, May 4, 2008


Argh am feeling narcoleptic. Was nodding off in Media Studies just now. I think i'll sneak off to some empty class room to take a nap later, but not before i pay Ghazala a visit. Have a bunch of questions to grill her about. CB cb assignment. Tedious like hell. Am here genning up on blardy part 4 so i can have intelligent questions unlike those idiots who go in there and dunno what the hell they wanna ask.

If I knew missing you is going to be a part of my life, I never would have let you in...

im hired

last nite went to Darus. atika n her bf pick me up. there's another guy join us at the table, cant remember his name and not interested to know anyways. This idiot sat beside me smoking while talking about women mestrual.
"fuck off la bini aku mona period, nasib baik tinggal 2 hari je. awek aku plak minggu dpn.. ish bodo arr"
OH MY GOODNESS! i seldom heard boys talking bout periods but unlike this guy who actually counted on his gf menstrual circle and set a special alarm about it in his organiser. *PSYCHO
da la pasang spare part sini-sana, my gf, my wife, my scandal, wtf?

me melawat emy dis afternoon. brush up my manual driving skil... oh gosh fuggin scary! esok start keje and i have no other option besides driving dat car. after melawat emy went to pyramid later and since emy is craving of popiah so i bought fo her and drop da popiah at her working place on the way back home just now.

i had a very light and easy conversation with MO just now.FULLSTOP

and yarh.. i got da job so im HIRED. its an aircond factory. owh gosh wish me luck *nervous

Thursday, May 1, 2008


Media studies presentation went very well. At least that was what my tutor, Shi Ying said. Personally, i felt that i kinda.. fumbled a little bit and didn't explain certain points thoroughly. However i felt that i had explored the fucked-up "myth" concept pretty well, after pestering Shi Ying both in her office and on Google chat (which is pretty convenient).

And oh yeah. Film studies was horrendous coz we watched this fucked-up movie, Gummo. It was horrible.