Tuesday, May 27, 2008


I need to engage in some writing training, as i need to write a whole god-damn load of words during exams. My palm is aching a little due to some fast and furious note-taking yesterday during Miss Ghazala's CB revision, her 'revision' being her spouting out a looooong list of topics that we have to understand. And it seems that i have a lot of ground to cover for CB.

I found out, to my pleasant surprise, that macropolicy will have 10 MCQ questions and 3 large essay questions (20% each, 70% overall). They have already told us the specific three chapters (week 4, 10 and 11) that these three questions are coming from. So i just have to swallow all of them and vomit it out!

It's kinda ridiculous that they scrap our effort of paying attention for weeks 1, (2-3 assignment 1), 5, 6, (7-8 assignment 2) 9, 12. What's the point of studying those stuff when you're not gonna be tested in the exams? Still, am very much thankful that i can pinpoint which chapters to study instead of having grind through everything.

I'm kinda freaked about Media Studies. I've just glanced through the past year question we will be discussing tomorrow and they are horrifying. "Is the Truman Show critical of our media-saturated society or merely another product of it?" That's the question. And we're expected to write a fucking 500-600 word response. God i hate 1-line questions. No prompting whatsoever. Horrendous.

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