Monday, September 27, 2010

Pesona Workshop by OMBAK

Segment 1 : Soft Skill
Segment 2 : Table etiquette
Segment 3 : Grooming

For future event managers like us, this workshop is very beneficial. Have to mention everybody was looking so beautiful with 5inch heels, 3 inch makeup and colorful blink blink dress and top. Me, oily face+ not iron top+ slack+ tudung sarung. Food was AWESOME. Richie Rachman punye mulut, fuihhh laser to the maxxx!!! i guess if u want to be in this entertainment field, u really need to be super ear tough to retain urself.. thats all. bye.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Ah Canton-i. Since its opening a few years back, I've sauntered past it countless times (as it was next to Dave's, of which i am a loyal patron) but rarely set foot inside, except to order their egg tarts.

I would take glimpses at their siew yoke and char siew hanging there in the display, tantalizingly oozing oil. But i steered clear as the prices horrify me so.

They sell siew mei. What do you call it in English? Cantonese meat roastery? Roasted ducks, geese, chicken, pork. You get the drift. Siew mei, with some other typical Cantonese cuisines of wan tan mee and congee. 

The catch? RM15 - 20 for wan tan mee, which is exorbitantly sky high lor wtf.

Nyahaha! But one does not incur much damage to his wallet when there is a parent around to foot the huge ass bill. My father dearest.

Chinese teapots as decor. Firmly glued to the mantlepiece to prevent them from being smashed to smithereens by playful children, or lifted by kleptomaniacs.

Lanterned bird-cages... I'm sure they carry some sort of meaning? I think?

Fantastic egg tarts! Served with half a cherry tomato and sprig of parsley
Fantastic, yes. Canton-i's egg tarts used to hold the number 1 spot in my heart. But now that i've discovered the divinest divine Tong Kee (truth be told, they are evenly matched, taste-wise. Tong Kee wins hands-down when it comes to price and portion so...). It's bye bye Canton-i.

Mm hmm OK! So while i was there, Canton-i was having a lunch promo. RM59.80, for 2 persons. We got to choose 1 siu mei main, 1 more main dish, 1 dim sum dish, drinks and rice. 
Not v. cheap, but a good deal compared to individual ala carte items.

Look at this...!! *drools*

*more drool*

Best siew yoke... i've had thus far. Look at the proportions. Crisp/Pork/Thin layer of fat/Pork. Talk about the Da Vinci golden rule of siew yoke. Oh baby.

These were, apparently, the "type of siew yoke" my dad'd been searching for. Squarish. Divine. Back when my dad underwent culinary training in Taipei, he was taught to make siu mei by some master chefs. So for him to compliment the siew yoke meant that it was some kick ass siew yoke.

The accompanying char siew, on the other hand, was expertly flavoured, but pales in comparison to a) the siew yoke and b) even better char siew i've had in SunwayMas.

Har gao. Winced at these, due to my prawn allergies. Dad gobbled up 2 of them and i die die oso must eat 1 la, hor, now that i've ventured into Canton-frickin-i?

My trick to eating dubious prawns (by dubious i mean of unknown origin and unknown preparation methods and carries the likelihood to trigger my allergy) is to take quick bites just to see whether they're nice anot.

Then, i swallow them with an ice-cold drink. XD
Braised duck with yam. I like. A lot.

Anything braised with yam should taste pretty damn good. And this was no exception. Although i think it was some ploy to quickly get unsold ducks off the shelf before they spoil.

Complimentary roasted quail that came with the lunch set.

Remember the lanterns in the bird cages? Lights in a bird cage = roasted quail. Ha! Kinda eerie to see the whole... carcass... I like to eat my food without having an image of a poor little dead bird burnt into my mind. Delicious little bird though. xD

 Too good la. Had to have more. Moahhhhhhh.

Grand total of RM99.80... Like i said... Wallet killer.

But uh it'll fall within this range la. Last time dad came with mum, and the total was RM99.xx as well. So... i guess u know why i kept my distance?


My dad never ceases to amaze me.

The body wash lotion / liquid was out the other day and I was mentioning to him to get some when, so ngam, that mum bought refill packs. 

Dad: "Wow. Refill packs. Did you buy them?"
Me: "Mum did."
Dad: "Ok, what you need to do now is to cut open the packet. Then, pour out any excess water from the old container, fill in the container, and screw the cap up tight."
Dad: "If there are any remaining body wash liquid, find another container, pour it in, and screw the cap up tight."
Me: *incredulous raised eyebrows* "U think i dunno izzit!!! I have a degree already!"
Dad: "Aiya.." *incomprehensible mumbling fades as he walks away*


Kena stun man, i tell you.

Always treating me like kid. Jesus. Those are the instructions you give to 7 year olds.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Ok wounded bruises are most annoying to take care of.

Bang your shins?. You get a bruise. But sliding down a grassy slope, banging your shins on the rough scratchy longkang walls and scratching your shins on the way down nets you a wounded bruise.

Which is what happened to me. The basketball court i play at is situated on a higher grassy platform, surrounded by a deep drain (disaster if the ball falls in). Normally we'll park at the side of the road next to the drain, and i'll take a quick run up a grassy slope to the court.

How was i to know that it rained today, and the grass way dewy, and my new shoes slipped and down i went. xD

Wanna rub my bruise but urgh... the sting...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I checked my inbox and inside was an email from Monash asking for my height and head circumference for my graduation penguin gown and my hat, which will not be thrown, i think. When i attended Sis's graduation, they didn't let the class fling their graduation hats into the air as it was "hazardous"... Dangerously sharp square edges, falling down and cracking heads.

Speaking of cracked heads, i've seen quite some number of them for the past 2 weeks. Been watching CSI: Las Vegas. Insanely captivating show. Lots of blood. Lots of dead bodies. Lots of crime. Lots of mystery. Lots of drama. Throw in a slight dose of humour and bam! We've got a hit! What's there not to like? 

I started from the beginning, season 1 of Y2K. And since it started off 10 years ago, i spotted quite a number of familiar faces. 

From Desperate Housewives: Bree van de Kamp, as a woman who poisoned her husband, Paul Young, as a guy who killed his wife, Rex van de Kamp, some law enforcement lieutenant, Felicia Tilman, university landscaping officer, Karl Mayer as a parachuting instructor.
From Ugly Betty: America Ferrera! Betty herself, minus the bangs, minus the braces, minus the glasses. Girl who helped her parents / brother cover up the murder of her little sister who was conceived solely for the purposes of organ mining to save her brother. Messed up man, i know. Henry, as a guy whose grandma killed herself. Ignacio Suarez, as some whack-job religious Mexican dude. Whack-job.

From Heroes: Sylar, as a mechanic. Peter, as a kid who killed his best friend on a drug-induced high. Messed up man, i know. Peter's mum, as a grandma. 

Oh and i also saw the Scarecrow guy from Batman Begins, as a drug dealer.

The writers of CSI are either a) twisted or b) have witnessed sick and twisted cases in real life because some of the scenes and storyline they concoct are... really sick and twisted.

Like this father who raped his daughter and got her pregnant and proceeded to rape his own granddaughter. Or a boy who killed his brother for telling others that he wet his bed. Or a mother killing her own daughter because she, the mother, was paranoid that her daughter was seducing her boyfriend. Turns my stomach...

Anyway, back to my convocation. It's in 2 month's time. I'm kinda torn. Where will this rite of passage lead me to?

Monday, September 20, 2010

Rawr Raya @ Sabya's Place 2010

Minta maaf banyak-banyak dekat kawan2 yg datang tapi gambar tiada di sini. Saya tak amek gmbr langsung. Jadi semua gambar diatas adalah atas ehsan kamera orang lain. Kakleya bole pulak tak amek gmbr stall makanan langsung. Kecewa disitu. Open house tahun ni sgt berbeza dari tahun2 lepas. Paling ketara dari segi makanan, kami buat konsep stall. Ade stall charkueyteow, stall abc, stall soto, stall air, stall roti jala, stall nasi briyani, stall sate, stall ketupat lemang rendang. Sungguh banyak makanan tapi by 5pm sume 98% licin. Terus terang saya cume sempat rasa charkt ngan soto shj. Kelainan lain pulak, kali ni ader sound system, ader mc n kita play lagu2 evergreen raya. Ader signboard disana sini. Ade 2 phase jemputan. Dan macam2 lagi lah. Terima kasih banyak2 pada yg sudi dtg, harap semua enjoy. Yang ta dtg, sumpah rugi. Sgmk pukul 2.30pm da kne balik MRSM, driver yg anta. Sedikit sentimental disitu. After all, penat tapi best!!!!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Dem Spss!!!!

Exhibit 1 : Sepanjang cuti raya ni, ta lekat umah langsung. Assignment kemana, ESC hilang terus. Azam aku untuk tana pk pasal skolah n segala isinya berjaya dengan cemerlang. Sumpah ta pk langsung. harini br meroyan la bkk spss tatau na wat satu jadah haram pon... Esok open house. Isnin da kne anta asaimen. Bijak.

Exhibit 2 : Esok open house, macam2 jawatan aku pegang. Byk jgk nama2 besar yg dijemput, tp tengoklah kalo aku sempat amek gmbrnya adela, kalo tade, tadela... Tapi slalunya nan adola... Dengan kelentang kelentungnya terkejar itu ini, ader mase plak na amek gmbr... Tapi ader sorg dif kehormat ni, mmg idola aku, so sangat la teruja na jumpa die esok... Tapi yg plg ta sabar, of cos la na jumpa kwn2 skola yg da lame ta jumpa n BFF terchenta. Mungkin ader orang rasa kami riak sbb buat open house besar2 cenggini... Tapi hakikatnya, fam aku da wat open house sejak dr aku kecik lagi. Kalau dulu ajk org dtg mkn2 kat umah je, masakla mee goreng je, then mee kari, pastu nxt yr nye up sket msk soto, pastu nasi tomato, pastu ble aku da besar sket bila open house ayah pasang 1 canopy yg jalur biru putih tu masakla 2/3 jenis makanan, pastu bila muncul trend canopy putih ayah tempahlah dua biji tapi plain ajela, mase tu tade duit na pasang skirting bagai, time tu da up sket la selain nasi mak masak spagetti. Pastu makin aku meningkat dewasa, mak ayah pon makin stable, dah start pakai khidmat caterer sbb mak dah ta larat masak apalagi na cuci pinggan mangkuk semua, maklumlah anak2 die kan rajin2 belaka... Orderla 3/4 menu... kalo dulu sejenis 2 je kuih skrg da berjenis... kalo dlu tade menu sate, skrg da ader sate... Since da bertahun2 serve utk kami, org canopy pon bagi byk discount time ktorg berhasrat na wat skirting tu... Dr situla, every yr mesti ade tema kaler.... Today dgn position baru ni ayah dpt elaun keraian, jadi nak tana mmg kne wat open house yg berskala besar... Jemputan makin ramai..Menu pon byk.. pekerja pon ramai... sampai signage n org traffic pon depa sediakan... Aku ta phm nape org kate, org yg wat open house ni riak??? Sebenarnya konsep rumah terbuka ini adalah kita ikhlas na bagi orang makan. Lebih banyak kita memberi, lebih banyaklah kita akan terima sbg pulangan... Kita kena ingat rezeki yang Allah swt bagi kat kita ni, bukan semua milik kita, Dlm byk2 tu ader bahagian/agihan org lain sbnrnya.... Itulah prinsip yang ayah saya pegang... Tepuk dada tanya selera. Da la na tido, esok byk keje, bye :))

Friday, September 17, 2010

Kek Batik

Yesterday, in the middle of the night, i roll over my bad for 3hrs, could not sleep. So i drove to the nearest 7e and bought all the ingredients. I make this. To be honest this is the only cake siblings that i know how to do. It is definitely simple and does not involved baking. I love to put Daim in my kek batik but since my fridge is run out of stock i replaced it with Hersheys hazelnut milk chocolate instead. Still, i think Daim fit better. Yes, the kek batik looks hideous likewise how mess i looks like now. Sedey. oke. bye.

Nota kaki:Walaupun hodoh, satu talam kek ni habis dimakan oleh tetamu in a blink of eyes tadi.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Family Dinner

Peristiwa yang berlaku setahun sekali. Sebab ada yang ta duk di Msia, jarang ade di Msia, duduk asrama & sibuk bekerja. So untuk mengumpulkan keenamnya pada satu masa yg sama mmg setahun sekali...
Perut saya dah buncit. Oke.Bye.