Monday, April 28, 2008

Penang, DSLR, Farewell

Dat's him and her in my ride :P

The dude will be leaving Penang this weekend. 'tho we met just approximately 2 weeks ago but it certainly feels like we're old friends who've known each other for a very very long time :)

It's been really nice to get to know you, Willy! Keep in touch alright?

Anyway... I will miss your Liu YiFeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~!



Sunday, April 27, 2008


i went for a job interview just now @ Bright Prospect.
The call back is on friday but i just decided to go for it yesterday
im soo not in a working mood somehow the salary attracts me :)
Therefore i go for it.
The interviewer is nice so i guess it all goes well
Its a temporary job for 2 months only bcos im goin to pursue my degrees on July
So i might start working on thursday 1May. till then wish me luck!


Thighs and calves are throbbing like mad now, after three consecutive nights of basketball. On the plus side, my cold and cough have cured a little bit. ;)

Mini Tsunami

Banjir in my car!


Saturday, April 26, 2008


Lots of random stuff:

V. fun drink. Mum made a huge batch of citrus-y (lime lemon orange/limonange?) aiyu jelly cubes. I was feeling pretty bored and i had this sudden brainwave. Y not add some tea to it? And the end result is this fantastic drink (not Heineken, i just grabbed the first cup in sight). Doesn't it look just sexy? Look at the shade of orange. Man, am such a genius.

Oho! Dumplings! Mum made loads of dumplings the other day and i was feeling pretty hungry so i microwaved some.

Yummy.. Ya think so? Let's look closer.

Dumplings with horrible, spotty and wrinkly skin! Geez! That is what happens when you leave dumplings too long in the microwave. They develop skin cancer.

Aaaand. They stick together.

Like superglue, it seems. :(

Mum's gonna be freakin' pissed when she sees this picture. And she's gonna nag me for not using the microwave steamer. I did consume the dumplings and they were, surprisingly, quite alright. Crispy, something like pot stickers. Not bad eh. ;)

I'm telling you. Low-maintenance plants fare extremely well in my garden. For instance, mum once planted this cactus in the garden and it grew and grew and grew, without ever needing any watering and fertilizing, until it became freakin' tall and got entwined with the fence and we had to break it off (yes break, it grew in segments).

Now mum recently acquired this fascinating flowering shrub thingy with adorable little orange flowers (and a few red here and there) which blossom during daylight and shrink at night. It actually blossoms at the hottest time of the day and still manages to remain alive, untainted and bright as ever.

Mum's roses, on the other hand... This looks like some Beauty-and-the-Beast petal-falling enchanted rose. Luminous, eh. Anyway. They died. In less than 2 weeks after initially arriving in pristine condition. Now what's left of them is this little stalk, couple of shriveled leaves and no flower.

Been watching some Desperate Housewives and there was this hilarious scene:

Ha. Gabrielle doesn't show the tiniest bit of sympathy for the handicapped, not even towards her blind husband. The scene where she asked him to eat the carrots was damn funny. "Just eat them. Carrots are good for your... [pause]... Just eat them."

Friday, April 25, 2008


Am feeling damn ill. Am feeling like 5 different kinds of shit. Dammit. Came down with a teeny cold yesterday, so i popped some medicine and now am halfway recovering.

And. I. Hate. These groggy transition periods when my head is all feverish, my throat all sandy raspy and i feel as if i have goddamn corks shoved up my nostrils.

And when i attempt to blow out said corks they come flying out in ribbons of greenish-yellow (yes it's purple. i hate greenish-yellow. Blogger doesn't have it and am lazy to look for the colour codes) gunge. Bleugh. Grotesque.

Bah. Still it's much better than having a tap for a nose. I guess that's when the corks come in to do their magic.

Regardless of how ill am feeling, am going to play basketball tonight! I have such unwavering sportsmanship, wouldn't you say so? ;)

Went to school (campus should be a more sophisticated word, now that am in university, but who gives a damn squirrel's tail?) to do my ConBehaviour 5% online mid term MCQ quiz with Joseph and Hubert. The conclusion i got was: three pair of hands are definitely better than one! Our 3 step method:
(i) Question
(ii) 3 ppl frantically flipping through textbooks
(iii) Answer is found!

Took us nearly 30 mins (time limit) to finish up Joseph's quiz but the questions were somewhat repetitive so Hubert and I took considerably less time to finish. We scored 4.5, 4.5 and 4.75 respectively. Now this is what i call teamwork. ;)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Camouflage @ Queensbay

im short

yesterday ely came to my crib. omg its been ages since i last saw her. i tink da last tyme was in pija's party, back in 06. fuyooh i had a very good memory :)

me msk bologneise fo her, well i try my best sedap ke x blakang citer la
we lykee makan n borak borak borak borak.

well lyke usual ely is TALL but she seems lyke getting taller or maybe im the one who getting shorter.

ely just started her degree, envy her. well most of my fren does, only me da one who left behind ): TAKPE! im starting my degree real soon and sooo looking forward for it!

atik got her driving license yesterday. im happy for her (: its always me who drove her here and there so im expecting she to be my driver pulak in the future.
emy baru pegi kursus driving. i wondered how she survived the 6 hours fuggin boredom ceramah. and yarh she's just hired @ fotozoom, nnt me nk melawat die


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The ShoutOut Family

Don't we all look so good together? tee hee :P Waddaya waiting for?

Head on in to ShoutOut right away!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Angeline Long!

Selamat Hari Jadi Angel :)))

From L-R: Chin Choo, Michelle, Colleen and Yin
Seated : The Birthday Girl and me!

It's been long time huh. For birthday's sake... I've known you for a decade already! ZOMG!

I really thank god I've got a friend like you babe. Would never trade you for any other dragon or phoenix, I promise :P

Thank you for everything you've done for me and for the rest of us. Truly appreciate it. Enjoy your day and may joy and happiness be with you today and forever!

Muahhhhhh! xoxo

- pic courtesy of William -

Sunday, April 20, 2008


Oh my god am feeling just fantastic!

Nyahaha! I just retrieved my film studies assignment from Benjamin and i got a HD! 20/25. Sure, i've gotten loads of HDs from the fantastic Ms. Izian but those were mini-assignments. I was pretty used to the Cs i got for econs (one word: Alvin), management, accounting etc... HD! Whoo!

And to make my life slightly easier, Dr Yeoh has just delayed the media studies assignment to the 14th of May, giving me a little time to freakin' breathe. So.

*Update!!* Fantastic. The wonderful Dr Mootee extended the macro assignment (after throwing out all the assignment answers to us yes!). Absolutely brilliant. So....................

Mon 4th May - Macropolicy Due
Wed 7th May - CB Due
Wed 7th May - Media Studies Due
Fri 9th May - Film Studies Due (i want another HD!!)
Mon 12th May - Macropolicy Due
Wed 14th May - Media Studies Due

I feel like doing my media studies assignment on Kennysia's blog. XD


Are they working there or what? Tee hee... damn romantis!

Saturday, April 19, 2008


i got soooooooo many things to ceritaaaa but yet since internet is so fuggin lembab lately jd TAKDE MOOD!

but from all da best things happened last week, yg plg best is dat i accompanied by a new snoring fren! well sort of. thanks mum fo the gift :)

icushion is a portable squeezy Mp3 speaker with built in FM Radio.With icushion i can rest my head or just a perfect place to cradle my neck while relaxing or rocking on my favourite tunes.This portable Mp3 speaker Delivers cool sound in a snugly package by just plug in Mp3 player. In addition icushion is also compatible with all types of Mp3, but if u're using Creative Zen or Ipod it might be an xtra advantage. Well im using Creative so every single song turns out to be a very superb melody. trust me :)


Am exhausted. Just came back from basketball. Nearly four hours. 9-12.30a.m. What i feel like doing now is to slump down to the floor sprawl-eagle, and stare at the ceiling for an hour or so.

Friday, April 18, 2008


i was attacked by a very bad flu these past few days, sneezed almost lyke every seconds and full packages with fever. Since im not working not brainstorming not studying yet just laze around at home da whole week and suddenly sakit begini so my friends tend to say that sabya DEMAM RINDU? No larh...

emy called me this evening. She told me Alif, abg Mira meninggal. accident exactly in front of S.U. innalillah. I felt very very bad for mira, she's in Rusia and it might not possible for her to fly back home for the funeral.

So Subang Jaya-ian, i know he's not an everybody's favourite including me. But let bygones be bygones. May everyone forgive and forget. Al-FATIHAH

Thursday, April 17, 2008


I like artificial almond flavour. Went to SS2's Yippee Cup with parents just now and i ordered the almond milk tea and it rocked. Dad took a humongous gulp of it and was horrified. And he began miming puking faces and said it smelt like cockroaches, which is ridiculous as cockroaches can NeVaR smell quite so heavenly (trust me, i had one crawling over my face before).

Classic case of 1 man's meal is another's poison (One man's almond milk tea is another's cockroach smell?).

Didn't manage to snap pictures as i was being bugged (literally) by these teensy mosquitoes that were stinging my feet. It was like all of a sudden i had three mosquito bites on my feet.

I do, however, have some more random pics to post:

Williams @ Tmn Mayang Jaya's fanta-fucking-bulous Soft-Shelled Crab fried rice. If you happen to patronize Williams, u have to freakin' eat it. It looks kinda horrible in this photo, but please, please, don't judge fried rice by their browny grotty looks. Uh huh yeah!

Ridiculous Rose Flavoured Oolong Tea i ordered at Dave's 1 Utama. I was expecting a tall sexy glass of chilled tea with rose petals swirling around but they gave me this little.. gadget here. Steaming hot, with a tiny bud of pink rose tossed amongst grotesque pieces of tea leaves. It smelt fantastic like any another Oolong tea but... potong steam la! And steaming hot! I never like to drink hot beverages as they make me perspire like some labour animal.

My suckass Wendy's set, made even suckier by the presence of that lower-left-hand-side bowl of chilli with beans in them!

Lesson learnt: For burgers, stick to McDonalds (they have the coupons again, geez) and Burger King.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I'm feelin' pretty bored so am gonna post up screen shots of me "hacking malicious critters", as wingie put it.

Annoying quest which required the slaughter of 99 fire-spewing flame hounds in the volcano. 0_0

Yet another quest. 99 Dark Bladers this time, and they are found prowling the beach on the farthest end of P. Lux.

They're currently the strongest monsters i can find and i kill them in groups of 8. I lure them to circle me in a 3×3 cell manner before spinning round and round in a hurricane of doom! :D They've dropped 3 chaos lamps for me, 1 of which i failed to snag as i died just as the shiny little lamp came falling out. Geramnya!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tagged by The Pippo

1. At what age do you wish to marry?
No idea really =/

2. What will you do when you feel really emo?
Beach. Menthol. Cry.

3. Who is your idol?
J.Timberlake :P

4. Where is the place that you want to go most?

5. If you have one dream to come true, what would it be?
To represent the country in badminton :P

6. What is the purpose of your life?
To care for my family and friends. To bring joy and laughter to every single beings in the world. To love and to be loved.

7. What are you afraid to lose the most right now?

8. What cheers you up for the rest of the day?
Good food with great companions

9. If you meet someone you love, would you confess to him/her?
Yes I would :)

10. List out three good things of the person who tagged you.
i. She's my sayang :P
ii. She's one of the nicest people to hang out with
iii. She's a great friend... not.

11. What type of person do you hate the most?
The types I'm not talking to at the mo...

12. What would you do if you won a million dollars?
Most probably gonna do some franchising ;D

13. What is your ambition?
To be a zoologist minus the feline groups XD

14. What will you do if you got rejected by someone you like?

15. If you have a chance, which part of your character would you like to change?

16. What is your favourite colour?

17. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
To be able to enjoy and savour every second of it with my loved ones

18. If there’s one thing in your life you want to do but yet unable to, what would it be?
This is deep @_@

19. What would you do if tomorrow was the last day of the world?
Say my thanks and prayers...

20. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
Love me for who I am. That's about it.

Monday, April 14, 2008


Argh. I accidentally entered the ladies' bathroom just now. Wtf.

Monash has got freakin' loads of bathrooms. Each floor has at least 2 pairs of them and they are located side-by-side. The confusing thing is that the order of the bathrooms are not similar. On the ground floor the gents' are usually on the left, and the ladies' on the right. So are the ones near my Macro and CB tutes. Mana tau the one i went on the fourth floor had the ladies' bathroom on the left instead.

So i flung open the left door and went in. Then i realized there was something strange with the bathroom colours, and i noticed that the tiles were pink. Quickly i threw the door open again, wanting to duck out ASAP but ended up staring at this girl who looked mighty taken aback.

"I think i entered the wrong bathroom."

"This is the girl's.... toilet right?" She gave me this one-kind sorta quizzical look.

"Yes. Yes."

"Are you sure..." And she walked in.

Geeez. At least it was a secluded bathroom and i didn't fly in after downing laxatives a la Paul Finch of American Pie. Idiot bathroom designers. I wasn't the first who kena. Matt also accidentally barged into a left-side ladies' bathroom before.

Been reading on the fascinating Monty Hall problem.

Suppose you're on a game show, and you're given the choice of three doors: Behind one door is a car; behind the others, goats. You pick a door, say No. 1, and the host, who knows what's behind the doors, opens another door, say No. 3, which has a goat. He then says to you, "Do you want to pick door No. 2?" Is it to your advantage to switch your choice?

Interesting, as the solution isn't 50-50, but rather 2/3.


Ridiculous but funny email sis forwarded to me (dunno who wrote the actual email):

Q: I've heard that cardiovascular exercise can prolong life; is this true?
A: Your heart is only good for so many beats, and that's it.. don't waste them on exercise. Everything wears out eventually. Speeding up your heart will not make you live longer; that's like saying you can extend the life of your car by driving it faster. Want to live longer? Take a nap.

Q: Should I cut down on meat and eat more fruits and vegetables?
A: You must grasp logistical efficiencies. What does a cow eat? Hay and corn. And what are these? Vegetables. So a steak is nothing more than an efficient mechanism of delivering vegetables to your system. Need grain? Eat chicken. Beef is also a good source of field grass (green leafy vegetable). And a pork chop can give you 100% of your recommended daily allowance of vegetable products.

Q: Should I reduce my alcohol intake?
A: No, not at all. Wine is made from fruit.Brandy is distilled wine, that means they take the water out of the fruity bit so you get even more of the goodness that way. Beer is also made out of grain . Bottoms up!

Q: How can I calculate my body/fat ratio?
A: Well, if you have a body and you have fat, your ratio is one to one. If you have two bodies , your ratio is two to one, etc.

Q: What are some of the advantages of participating in a regular exercise program?
A: Can't think of a single one, sorry. My philosophy is: No Pain...Good !

Q: Aren't fried foods bad for you?
A: YOU'RE NOT LISTENING !!! ... Foods are fried these days in vegetable oil. In fact, they're permeated in it. How could getting more vegetables be bad for you?

Q: Will sit-ups help prevent me from getting a little soft around the middle?
A: Definitely not! When you exercise a muscle, it gets bigger. You should only be doing sit-ups if you want a bigger stomach.

Q: Is chocolate bad for me?
A: Are you crazy? HELLO Cocoa beans! Another vegetable!!! It's the best feel-good food around!

Q: Is swimming good for your figure?
A: If swimming is good for your figure, explain whales to me.

Q: Is getting in-shape important for my lifestyle?
A: Hey! 'Round' is a shape!

Well, I hope this has cleared up any misconceptions you may have had about food and diets.

And remember:
'Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways - Chardonnay in one hand - chocolate in the other - body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming 'WOW what a ride!'

This is a specially formulated diet designed to help people cope with the stress that builds during the day

1 grapefruit
1 slice whole-wheat toast
1 cup skim milk

1 small portion lean, steamed chicken with a cup of spinach
1 cup herbal tea
1 Tim Tam

The rest of the Tim Tams from the packet
1 tub of ice cream with chocolate topping

4 bottles of wine (red or white)
2 loaves garlic bread
1 family size Supreme pizza
3 snickers bars

1 whole Woolworth's cheesecake (eaten directly from the freezer)

'stressed' spelled backwards is 'desserts'

And Finally, here's some advice for you:

Dr. Neil proclaimed the way to achieve inner peace is to finish all the things you have started.......

So I looked around my house to see things I started and hadn't finished; and, before leaving the house this morning, I finished off a bottle of Merlot, a bottle of Chardonay , a bole of Baileys, a butle of Kehuha, a pockage of Tim Toms , tha mainder of bot Prozic and Valum scriptins, the res of the Chesescke, some saltins and a box of chocolates .

Yu haf no idr how gud I fel.

Sunday, April 13, 2008


last night is syeera's sister wedding. the wedded is suraya and asyrani. the beautiful wedding held at Hotel Singgahsana, PJ. went there with Ana. well i dont snap much, but here are some of the pixs taken

Birthday (Part 2)

I was in the cafe when I got a call from the company's receptionist saying that there's something to be collected at the reception desk.

As I also have some of my documents with her... I went over to the lobby without suspecting anything. But the least expected phenomenon happened.

Receptionist: Hey. Those flowers are for you *smile*

Me: Flowers? *shakes head, laughed and went to collect my documents from the tray*

Receptionist: Noooo!!! I'm serious! *shoved a pretty vase with roses to me*

Me: You're not kidding me right?

Receptionist: Noooo!!! Look at the card!

I murmured my thanks, took the flowers and went back to my cubicle in shock!

I was like... Flowers?! For me?! Wtf O_o! Haha.

The pretty lil card

a lil typo here *wife-to-be*



Up close and personal

The oxygen bubbles

ROFL! Thanks lah you people... You know who you are.

Thanks for making me so paiseh at the lobby and the whole of my department :P

Birthday (Part 1)

I apologized for the very late update on my birthday. Was caught up with work, work and work :(

I was working late on my birthday eve... so sad can. But the many calls, sms and msn messages kept me going throughout the night. Thank you very much everyone :)

Ceddy even called and sang to me. Thanks luvvvvvv :P

Later on, he called again asking me to watch this video in Youtube. I freaking cried in the office watching it. Thank you so much for the love and effort in making the video.

Friday, April 11, 2008


Am feeling:

  1. great, coz it didn't rain today, though it did yesterday night.
  2. great, coz i managed to play basketball two days in a row (yes, including yesterday night).
  3. pain, coz i ran too much and my ankle hasn't really healed yet.
  4. pain, coz my right thumb-nail got folded up during basketball and there's this patch of purplish internal bleeding.
  5. great, coz i've handed in my last of the first assignments on Wednesday.
  6. annoyed, coz i know i have a whole pile of second assignments due early May.
Anyway, been spending loads of money on food these days and i'm feeling 7. broke, as i ate the following in the past week:

  • Soft-shelled crab fried rice (+ Ribena Longan) at Williams, Tmn Mayang Jaya. It was fucking divine. God!
  • McDonald's. Tried the Spicy Chicken Wrap, which tasted more like Fried Otak-otak Wrap. Not too bad. Reminds me of KFC's twister which was divine but no longer on sale.
  • Mango special at Williams, Tmn Mayang Jaya comprising of ice-blended mango concentrate, fresh mango, watermelon cubes and loads of longan.
  • Indomee + sirap ais at the famous (word-of-mouth wise) nasi lemak place at Sea Park.
  • Loads of Bread Story stuff (apart from their fluffy chicken floss bread, the cheese stick is pretty good).
  • Spicy Chicken Supreme + Chilli at Wendy's, Sunway Pyramid this morning.
  • Roti Hawaii + Watermelon special at Murni, SS2.
Speaking of Wendy's, i don't think it's all that worth the hype. Went there with Danny and Joseph today as the latter saw the Wendy's banners hanging on the lamp posts along the road to Monash. Did u know that they used to have an outlet in SS2 ages ago and they had porridge in their menu. LoL!

Now, i ordered their Spicy Chicken Supreme thingy that tasted, as expected, exactly like McD's Spicy Chicken McDeluxe / KFC's Zinger though the patty of chicken given was smaller. Seeing that they had chilli on their menu and thinking of Chili's Chilli, i got really excited and ordered the freakin' chilli. It turned out to be like some spiced up bolognese sauce with onions and beans mixed inside. Holy fresh hell. I hate beans!

Danny New has got some pictures so i'll try and get it from him.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


the end of another week again?! bah...

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


my tooth is killing me! so i self indulged myself a few bowls of porridge today,saya masak sendiri.
well today nothing much, just laze around reading Connections but distracted by millions of sms-es. its sumting to do wif hotlink latest promotion, 1500sms for $1 perhaps. so ppl yg bijak pandai who activated dat promotion have to finished their 1500 sms within one day or else they will be deducted $3. so today my hp is treated lyke a bucket full of shitloads dgn msg yg tah ape2.. oleh mrk2 yg berusaha keras utk ngabiskan 1500sms tu. my hp sampai jammed tau tak!!! da la my hp ni cikai je, 30sms da full bkn cam hp korg memory up to hundreds sms. conclusionnyer, tolong jangan kena tipu dgn Hotlink lg bole x?

Monday, April 7, 2008


got dentist appointment today. just a reguler check for braces. Tunggu GILA LAMA, mcm biasa servis kesihatan kat malaysia nie mmg LEMBAB!

today mak n ayah blk so got a few ole-ole la from Can

GUESS Jacket

Hard Rock Tee

and of cos, lotsa chocs....

Sunday, April 6, 2008


i just watched "The Prince and ME" on star world just now. yerp just another fairy tales story where the prince and the girl riding a horse back to the castle and they live happily ever after... *LAME

so lets recap. i woke up late dis morning. until suhada text me "where r u?" reply da text than tdo blk. hoho BAD GIRL. she then ring me so apalagi rushing la mandi. yeah we supposed to have breakfast together with aida at Syed. mcm biasa janji melayu, supposed to be there at 9, but unsuprisingly me dtg kul 10.

around 1 sumting i fetch si gemok at skool. its his sportsday today. punyala excited, subuh2 lg da remind me dtg his skool early n gave support to his rumah sukan. si gemok ketua rumah biru. so kakak mithali die ni pon dtg la skola bg support tp by da time im there mereka da bersurai. owh was it my fault? naahh sape suh cikgu tu abiskn awal sgt!

almost 3, we headed to summit after arguing for hours where to go for lunch. we just go to parade yesterday, pyramid too crowded, so dengan x semena-mena (ada ke perkataan ni?) kitorg g summit. we had lunch @ Johnny, Thai Steamboat

si gemok then play ps2 @ one of the game shop.5 bucks/hour. so i was lyke grrrrrr, berjam-jam la aku kne tunggu nih!
so i simply walk around and JACKPOT! there's a book fair, clearance sale! omg, murah-murah gile i tell u! new arrival 20%, bestsellers up to 80%, can u imagined buku setebal-tebal dictionary tu 3 bucks je? and Paris hilton biography $5, hahaha idk she's dat cheap ;) Today was da last day! ish geramnyerrrr. da la tgh kering. tp dlm kontang2 ni me beli jgk 2 novel. x ingat tu hutang ngan pravi beratus-ratus x byr lg ;) xpe duit bole dicari *sigh

i bought 2 bestsellers novel "Connections" and "Sitting Practise". i wanna buy Ps I love you, but expensive la bcos its still considered as new arrival. so diskaun 20%, turun dlm 6/7 bucks camtu je so xjdla beli. tunggu ayah balik, br beli. 2mrw my parents will be back from Canada :)

i havent read yet, but i just roughly make it short. mind my phrassing. told yarh im a bad narrator

CONNECTIONS: Welcome to the Caribbean resort of White Sands where everyone has a story to tell.

*Jennifer is here to marry her man of her dreams, but
an unexpected guest, ruin her pefect day.

*Shandhi a pop princess is on vacation here to escape from da media glare

*Grainne and Aidan clb8 their 25th anniversary while wondering if its all a sham

*Divorced dad,Rudy arrives for a rare holidays wif his little boy

*Thriller-writter Corinne is in the next room brainstorming in self-doubt

Join these and many other holidaymakers for a journey from beach
to bedroom to bar. Tgether they create a delightful collection of
stories, the ideal escape to pure paradise...

SITTING PRACTICE : (well, too lazy to write. eager to know? bought it urself!)

Saturday, April 5, 2008


Oooh. I just got back from basketball. Sprained my ankle again. Wtf!

JC (the armbreaker, that's what we call him) and Liang taught me how to mahjong yesterday! XD I didn't know how to play at all as i'm not a fan of these gambling games due to my poor luck. JC called me out of the blue and asked me whether i wanted to learn since they needed 1 more player. And, since i like these strange and spur-of-the-moment outings, i popped over to JC's. Hmm. Still haven't really understood the mechanisms of mahjong. Too much to process in a day.

NSC introduced me to this online game called Cabal Online and i have no idea how to pronounce it. Apparently wingie and Yoong are... involved too. XD It's pretty ok, something like RYL.

  • Pretty standard exp/skill exp systems.
  • Money comes really easily. Monsters drop armour left right and centre. The healing potions are dirt cheap too unlike those in Maple Online (which i hate).
  • Flashy, flashy skills!
  • Combo system and Battle Modes give more spice to gameplay.
  • Character creation pretty limited. (Wan Mei Online's one was fantastic. Tremendously detailed, from eyebrow curve, to height, to size of boobs, to eye shape, to nose shape etc etc. Oh, and a whole spectrum of colours to choose from)
  • Crap a.o.e. effects that pale in comparison to RYL where even a normal attack has a.o.e.
  • Money comes really easily? Very bad if you want to sell stuff. Haha but am not complaining.
So all in all it's a fun game. I haven't quit just yet! Send CrazySexy a message in Mercury. Yes. My character name is CrazySexy.

;) Guess my level. It's not v. hard.

The Sunset Bar @ Feringhi

Chilled out with the gang, Vingie and Jensen.

Ordered a bucket of Tiger, milkshakes and lotsa finger food.

The long drive home was uber great. The andrenaline rush was exhilarating :)

Anyway, updates on my birthday's coming up soon. Stay tuned :D

Thursday, April 3, 2008

dyk most of the lipsticks are made from the fish scales?

pravi came to my crib today. she want to promote her amway product.
she wore a black dress, high heels, gorgeous make-up, and looks completed with a briefcase. omg she looks lyke a very succesful bussineswoman. well im soooo proud of her. she brief me about her skincare product called Artistry. she even bought womens weekly mag last month edition to convince me that her product is in da top 5 list fo the worlds best skincare product. since i was having a serious acne prob recently, plus i want to stop using product dat made from worms n used to be tested on some rats, so i ended up buying this plant based product without hesitate. the price? seriously dont ask!
its fuggin expensive larh.. she said most mak datins used dis product.. i was lyke who cares... i dont buy dis product bcos of all da mak datins.. i bought it bcos i really need a good product to HELP ME! forget about da price. i might not have enuff money but i can work on it. NO BIG D. so check out the new sabya, 12 weeks from now. i told pravi if i didnt look radiant da next 3 months i definetly will sue her ;p

just now i bring si gemok n bik amah dinner @ Nita's. Bump into emy's bro there, so we was lyke having a short conversation. while eating i saw cikgu Nik Hamzah. my first impression "wah makin hensem cikgu ni". Well cikgu Nik used to be da school girls hearthrob back in primary skool. Last time i saw him was lyke last year. We took Muet test together. Fuggin weird aite? He used to be my class teacher n today we sat for the same exam. Well thats what makes life interesting, I guess.

I cant sleep last nite, kept thinking bout bobo. imysm


Blearrrrgh!! Assignment onslaught. Y'know, i should be getting used to it already, having survived a tide of assignments last year.

I've chucked in my freakin' media studies assignment on Monday and i'm just itching to get rid of my film studies essay tomorrow. I'm writing about Catch Me If You Can, which is why i'm having quite some fun with this assignment. Benjamin gave me the green light when i emailed him (which is such a relief. i was expecting a Mr-Tall-Tan "No!" from him. Ha).

I have most of the points down. It's like i've bought all my flowers for the garden. Now i need to arrange them stylishly and link them together with vines (XD) to show that the flowers all know each other! Oh am going crazy.