Friday, December 28, 2007

20 Reasons why you shouldn't get drunk

Now that Christmas celebration is already over, we can still see New Year celebrations coming soon in 3 days' time, and by then, we will see a lot of people congregating in bars, pubs and dance clubs. Alcohol will surely be flowing everywhere as people are enjoying themselves during the New Year's eve. Surely, we will then see people get drunk and some may even puke, and then suffering hangovers the next day, something that all of us wish regrettably we could avoid drinking heavily. Now, these pictures (courtesy of Olive Fernandez) show what happen if you drink excessively. WARNING! Some pictures featured here may be mildly explicit (some pictures show a little nudity, but not too excessive) and thus may offend some people, but nothing gross like a horrible, terrible puke, of course! You have been fore-warned! View the pictures at your own risk! And, if you drink too excessively, you may experience one of these!

Blog author's note: The faces revealed in these pictures have been blocked with black boxes to protect them from public embarassment and from being identified as the culprits and subjects of laughter/practical jokes, as this blog is a public blog. I, of course, do not want to be sued for defamation or anything to do with legal stuff by anyone if any of them happened to view this blog.

Reason 1: Uhhh... I got too drunk... Puking on the car (notice the smudge on the left side of the pic?).

Reason 2: Oops... I did it! Puking (and shitting?) beside a car.

Reason 3: Oops, I did it again. She urinated on her jeans.

Reason 4: Am I Adolf Hitler? You will have your face grafitti-ed!

Reason 5: Where should I sleep? Here? You might even end up sleeping in a toilet like this fella.

Reason 6: Apasal kaki kangkang? Too drunk la, of course!

Reason 7: Ahhh... my butt's on fire! A practical joke, indeed!

Reason 8: The 8th Reason Not to Drink With 'Friends' - Huh? Why am I naked? Sleeping naked.

Reason 9: The 9th Reason Not to Drink With 'Friends' - Help!!! Get me down NOW!!! Got taped up to the pipings on the ceiling!

Reason 10: The 10th Reason Not to Drink With 'Friends' - My new hairstyle nice or not? Porcupine hairstyle (styled with toothpicks, hahaha)!

Reason 11: The 11th Reason Not to Drink With 'Friends' - I am a "marked dead man". Got marked (with beer bottles) like a "dead man at crime scene".

Reason 12: The 12th Reason Not to Drink With 'Friends' - Ahhh... Why is my face all white??? Face got totally smudged with cream and holding banana.

Reason 13: The 13th Reason Not to Drink With 'Friends' - Where are have my shoes gone to? Ohhh... it is here, no wonder! She got covered by smelly shoes... hehehe...

Reason 14: The 14th Reason Not to Drink With 'Friends' - Basah lagi... Oops, I urinated again... Apparently her jeans is her "toilet"! Hahaha!

Reason 15: The 15th Reason Not to Drink With 'Friends' - Why are all these furnitures on top of me? Another drunk episode!

Reason 16: The 16th Reason Not to Drink With 'Friends' - The tower on my head. My very own tower, you know! Another practical joke; things got piled one on top of another on her head.

Reason 17: The 17th Reason Not to Drink With 'Friends' - This barrel is my wife you know! Hahaha... someone placed a barrel beside this drunk man.

Reason 18: The 18th Reason Not to Drink With 'Friends' - What's inside my mouth now??? Someone's placed something in this fella's mouth!

Reason 19: The 19th Reason Not to Drink With 'Friends' - What are all these things doing on my body? Why are they all attached to me? Another prank... hahaha!!!

Reason 20: The NO. 1 Reason And The 20th Reason Not to Drink With 'Friends' - What are all these scribblings on my butt? A face? Hahaha... someone drew a face on this person's butt and placed a cigarette on the butt hole... HAHAHA...

Now, if you think you are going to drink excessively, especially with friends, think twice before you hit that alcoholic drink! And lastly, an advice to all my readers and passerbys:




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