Sunday, December 12, 2010


What happens to the human brain when we sleep? It's baffling. I'm sure there are buttloads of psychiatric / psychological research papers around but i couldn't be arsed to read them.

Y'see. Sometimes i can wake up from deep sleep to groggily answer my dad's pesky inane phonecalls, and then make a follow-up phone call to my mum to tell her dad's looking for her. And when i wake up i had no recollections of any of that happening, until i saw my phone list.

Some days i can dream and dream about loads of stuff, and next day, can't remember anything despite my very best efforts to delve into the deep recesses of my memory. All i'm left with is a certain feeling or sensation like euphoria or slight bitter-tinged sadness, or this nagging worry, or something. Some mental sensory trigger or whatever. Don't even know if i'm making sense...

Then some dreams are just so vivid i can describe them with great detail. Like the short fall down a skyscraper that ends up with my leg kicking out in reflex. Or one in which i was eating cone sundaes and drinking coke (awesome, awesome dream). And then there are the weird ones, like the one i'm gonna describe now

V. wtf sorta dream. I dreamt that sis came home with the Putra, so i took the keys to drive off to my ball session. When i opened the door i saw that instead of a Putra, the car she drove home was in fact some... Waja-esque car, slightly lower, flatter Waja with more rounded edges. Bright white, and on the bonnet *horror* a sort of Malaysian flag design with reds and blues and yellows and holy shit it was hideous!!

Directly underneath the primary colours was this... ice-cream cone shaped (like when u fold those kertas turas into quarters and u get a cone shape?) dark blue glass panel with turquoise LED displays noting the time and date. 

Inside, the only thing i noted was the radio... Not that it was a radio. It was 2 old school computer speakers, with those plasticky round dials that u can turn turn turn to adjust the volume. Yeah that! In a car! The only thing i remember after that, in my dream la, was how ridiculous i felt driving such a weird ass car to the court... So yeah... Unfathomable dream.

Anyway speaking of sleeping, it's about time i hit the sack. Have got an aptitude test tomorrow at IBM! Yeah. Just an entrance test but i need to ace it! My dream company didn't respond to any of my applications (yet! please, let it be yet!) so i thought i might as well settle with an aptitude test at IBM first. So, all the best to myself, and nights~!

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