Saturday, November 1, 2008


I went to renew my passport at the immigration office and i absolutely hate its dysfunctional system. Fuck!

I don't understand why such a inefficient system is still being utilized. 13 counters, with different functions. Fucking idiots.

It's like a freaking treasure hunt, i tell u. First, go to Counter 1 buy 1 form. Fill it in, go back to Counter 1 and he'll check your form and THEN! only will he give u a freakin' number.

After that comes the ultimate test of one's patience. Number i got was 1061, while the current number then was 1019. 42 numbers, and counting. I saw some ah pek holding 1123. More than a hundred people waiting their asses off.

AND DO YOU KNOW how many people were there to process the forms? 1. Counter 4. Am trying really hard not to start spewing out racist statements here. Arghghghrhr. Damning fuck.

The most ironic thing was this piece of mission statement pinned on one of those announcement boards.

2010: Best in South East Asia
2015: Best in Asia
2020: Best in the World.

WTF, man, when i saw it. Daring to dream and wanting your country to prosper is one thing, but this is just ludicrous. So to that unattainable mission statement i say, with all the contempt i can muster, this: "Fuck."

Counters 2,3 were unmanned when i arrived at 7.50. So were 9,10,11. After nearly two hours, they finally opened up Kaunter Khas 7 to speed things up. Nothing too "Khas" about it anyway.

Once your turn is up, u submit your form to be authorized and you get to wait somemore to pay at the cashier at counters 5 and 8. The employees at the immigration office have this seriously fucked up tendency to just leave their post to go flap their gums with their colleagues and obviously this makes the wait even more tedious.

After you pay. Need to wait 2 hours for passport to be made. Come back after 2 hours. Need to take number again! Geeez. I am just speechless.

13 counters. You know what would be fast? Issue a number once people come in. Station another guy to sell the forms, not at Counter 1.

Instead of going from counter to counter to authorize form, pay, collect passport etc, all 13 counters should be able to do all of those at once. I mean, how hard is that? Go there, submit the form, straightaway pay. Come back two hours later to pick up passport. This way there will be 13 people on duty as opposed to 1.

I don't see the reason why people have to wait twice. I don't see the reason why there are two separate cashier counters. But i do see why our government agencies are failing miserably, however hard they're promoting their non-existent efficiency. I mean, come on. I am just a student and i can easily point out the number of flaws in their system.

Of course, there is a much faster way to renew your passport provided you have the a new passport with the chip inside. There is a machine there in which you slot your passport. Then you have to slide in your MyKad and verify some details and bam! It's done. No need to go through all the pain.

Problem was... My MyKad was spoilt and i guess that explains my vociferous complaints.

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