Monday, November 17, 2008


During my stay in Taipei i only managed to explore a teeny teeny percentage of the city, which is quite a vast one, if you ask me.

This is the map of the Taipei Metro. Compared to our own LRT, the Taipei Metro is a blessing. It has tremendous range, and is extremely organized. All the different coloured lines represent a separate line of trains, but they're all linked and integrated.

My grandma stays a 3-5 minute walking distance from the Technology Building (brown line). So if i want to travel to Dan Shui (end of red line), all i have to do is to go to change trains once at blue line, and once more to the red. I managed to go to Shi Lin night market alone after being on the Taipei Metro once.

Best part is that you don't have to buy tickets three times. One ticket alone will allow transit to any line, with the excess fee paid when you exit your desired station. Pretty efficient. When i take Malaysian public transportation to Bukit Bintang, i have to take Putra LRT to KL central, walk over to monorail to buy another ticket. -_-"

The public buses in Taipei are excellent too. Each bus number has its own number and has its route displayed on bus stops. A bus ride costs NTD15, which around RM1.50. Around the city there are several bus-exclusive lanes that link bus stops and this helps buses to move around quickly.

Yeah so Taipei's public transportation is excellent. They even have this EasyCard (similar to Touch n Go) that gives a 20% discount on MRT rides, and a NTD8 reduction on bus rides IF you hop onto a bus within an hour after taking the MRT. V. ganas.

However, during my trip, i travelled around mostly in cabs. 0_0! Damn ironic, i know. But my grandma is extremely extremely slow (she takes half steps by half steps), and taking buses and MRT often involves quite long walks. So... not that good. The solution? Cabs.

Cabs in Taipei are very very well maintained. The city is littered with shiny yellow cabs, mostly Camrys and Altises. I think you can see a Altis in the picture above. The cab in the picture is from Da Ai (大爱)and all cabs from that cab company has lillies in them. :D Fascinating, right? They also keep track of cab orders to determine and reward frequent customers. Both my aunts have a 10% discount from Da Ai.

Even with the discount, traveling in taxis is comparatively much more expensive. Once you hop in, the meter starts at NTD70 (approx RM7-8, depends on exchange rate xD), and jumps NTD5 (RM0.5) each time. The average taxi ride costs around NTD200 and two way will set us back by nearly RM40. V. expensive.

Transportation? More stuff to come.

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