Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Golden Flower

Ah! After much anticipation, i finally went to see Curse of the Golden Flower @ CineLeisure (people, CineLeisure's popcorn is fucking mind-blowing. go eat it. it's divine!) with my family and Ronnie.

Overall, the movie was great. That is.. The censored version was great. As usual the more exciting scenes are cut out, much to the public's dismay/anger/outrage/disappointment etc. etc... My parents haven't been to the cinema for donkey's years, and obviously were not accustomed to the rules of the cinema (whatchoo doooing?! turn that mobile offfff *bang*). Dad was blatantly pointing at Jay Chou, saying, "wah. hey he's holding the guan gong spear!" with Mum responding with "where?" while i sat there, mortified. It's ironic. I've been raving on and on about movie spoilers and my parents turned out to be... It's like a anti-drug officer whose son got caught smoking marijuana until his brains fried and his balls shrunk. Oh well. They weren't actually spoiling the movies hor.. Hehe. =P

Man i tell you. They must've had a hard time finding a bunch of girls with jugs the size of basketballs. Damn.. Each one of the dayang-dayangs in the palace looked as if they had 2 pomelos strapped to their chests, then squashed together by push-up dayang-dayang costumes to form obvious cleavages visible a mile away.

Sis was beside herself when Jay Chou, the prince, appeared brandishing his guan gong spear left right and centre. She kept gushing "Ohh!! Jay Chou!!" while at the same time sticking her hands into my pack of popcorn. But some of the scenes were so magnificent i think sis could've died. It was like gold vs. black. And they died and died like falling chrysanthemums in the wind. Ooh. So majestic. =P Absolutely thrilling.

Discovered that the Curve is actually quite a funky place to hang out around. There's this The Street there, which is a street full of restaurants. V. atmospheric. Must go there one day.

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