Friday, October 17, 2008

Random-random-random #4

Some random pictures here.

139.9 calories burnt on the strider. Not to say a painstaking feat, compared to going on the treadmill. Bah. I've seen those people effortlessly knocking off 700 - 800 calories, legs pedaling zip zip zip in super efficient manner.

Pictures super blur. Can't help it. Whenever i try to slow down enough to take a clear shot, the numbers disappear only to be replaced with "Pedal Faster". Oh well.

This little bow-like device here is the source of much misery for me. Component holding up my car window. Apparently a wire somewhere sorta ruptured and instead of being straight like | it crumpled into something like 3. So many brain cells dead because of this. Blarrrdy.

Woohaha! Roti telur. Flooded with fish curry. Looks a horrible mess but that's the way i like my rotis. I'm always irritated by those skinflint waiters who give me insufficient curry and so i go straight to the curry basins and ladle them all over. :D The waiters don't really care. So i say: flood it!

Off for a catnap now, then i gotta start burying myself in books. Friday nite basketball was a pretty lukewarm affair yesterday as everyone wanted to study study study. Geeez!

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