Monday, June 21, 2010

Cerita Megi Kari

Thats my dinner tonite. Megi cara saya, telur mesti na kne taruh dalam, with lotsa black pepper dashed, anggaran kuantiti pepper, dashed in je until kau sendiri ta sedar brapa byk kau da letak baru kau stop. Malam ni macam ade mood gedik sikit, na makan megi pake chopstick. Mum did cook rice & sambal ayam for us, tapi disebabkan aku food poisoning the whole day, i dont tend to eat sambal & make it even worse. Perut sangat sakit sampai, resolution mengemas bilik arini pon tertangguh.

Havent i talk about football yet?? Its worldcup yaw!! Walaupun aku bukan penggemar bola but this time nyer WC, 70% of the match aku akan tgk kalau ader teman. Sejak da subscribe Astro Beyond ni, memang syok abis la tgk bola. Peluh menitik & berapa helai rumput terpelanting masa depa sepak bola pon kau bole bilang. Bila dah terkena demam bola ni baru aku faham kenapa lelaki suka sgt tgk bola, its undescribeable but once kau da terkena panahan asmara tu, its hard to step back :) Tapi kawan2, pesanan penaja cakap, sebelum kau berangan na tgk bola, bwk2 la belajar mari mengenal bendera dulu ye :)

The latest match yang i watch td Portugal belasah Korea Utara kaw-kaw 7-0. GILA OKEY. Dear syafiq, i know you tgh buat chicken dance kat depan singa muntah tu, celebrating viva portugal aite~ Ataupun you na buat kenduri 7 hari 7 malam?? Talking about anak cik ramli ni, today he tagged me in fb a video dat he performed for SOKA Association yesterday. I cant recall wut they called that in Spore but the vision of the performance its just like the "1 Malaysia" campaign. Bring all the race together as one, bezanya ini di Singapura. There are performance from indian, chinese, & few race as well but of course Syafiq is the representative for the Muslim. At first aku ingat itu performance biasa2 aje but after 3 times watching the video, im still speechless. It was just SUPERB & AWESOME. You are not just a musician but a real entertainer. You can go far, trust me :)

Tadi Hafiz text aku cakap nak pinjam all my xm paper,test & quizzes.. He decided to further studies. Im soo happy to hear that. I know he already made big bucks in working life, but to giving up all that for studies, thats a big move to be proud of. Aku selalu nasihatkan die yg kita muda lagi, belajarlah selagi mampu, kerja tu bila2 pon boleh. Ilmu je la yg bole tolong kita in the future nanti. Tak sangka lepas bertahun-tahun aku cakap baru hari ni die nak dengar. I dont know wut he's up to, tibe2 berkobar-kobar na sambung blaja but im happy wif it. Punyalah excited, aku cakap xm paper aku sume dlm kotak dekat dalam stor. Kalo na cari aku kne punggah sume barang utk sampai ke kotak tu, seboleh-boleh die na malam ni jugak. Suruh aku korek sampai dpt, da jumpa trus kol die wpun da kol 2pg. Gile excited kan?? Neway friday ni kita JJCM lg!!! Yeay dis time i pilih tempat, hasrul banje!!

Plan esok adalah na kuar dgn GFF's terchenta :) Aku tatau na cakap camne, but i just love them to death!!! Walaupun bila dah tade boyf ni kau rasa sunyi sangat, sebab kau da biasa mengadu semuanya kat boyf ko kan walaupun benda2 kecik seperti hari ni i piod or td pensil lead i rosak or i na syampu rambut arini or macamane na unlock stereng wpun da beratus kali diajar... Walaupun da single, tapi bile kau down & kau tau da tade boyf na dengar bebelan kau... kawan2 sentiasa ade... Kalau kau kol kul 3pg pon dorg akan dengar and comfortkan kau selagi boleh. So bagitau aku camne aku bole ta sayang korang???? sob sob rindu GFF's..... tape esok jumpa :))

Nota kaki : Mungkin dia berikan kau cinta, tapi aku berikan kau jiwa..

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