Monday, March 31, 2008


Today its lyke a tragic nightmare. i woke up early dis morning to send si gemok to skool. on da way to skool si gemok saw a dead cat lying at da center of da road. i was mamai at da moment so i was lyke, "naaahh its just a trash" and head to skool without hesitate bcos he's kinda late already.after dropping si gemok, i make my own way back home passing thru da same road and with a glance i cuffly made an emergency break. i was lyke OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! only god knows how many times i repeated it. i act lyke a possessed women. i tink somene honk me from back n hell yeah im blocking their way without notice. its a busy road 19/4A. with shakky hands, panic, shocked, confused i drove home. i stay in the car without making any sound for almost 5 minutes. at da moment i felt lyke my whole body has stopped functioning. i just dont know wut to do, im confused.

With heartless feelings at da moment i start brainstorming, wut to do wut to do.then only i masuk rumah, call my mom, she's in airport still boarding. my first sentence "bobo dah mati" without any intonation. my mom was lyke "haaah??" and then i just lyke spit out everything without a dot. "i nampak td kat 4A die kena langgar kepala die byk darah bdn die xde pape nmpk dr dm keta je xbole parking byk keta kat blkg die da mati i xtau.." my mom asked me to calmed down and bawak bobo blk umah tanam die. i took towel and bring bik amah along as i cant park the car at da busy road. afta we arrived home then only i opened da towel and see its face from near. bobo died in a very tragic way, i can see from its face. matanya terbuka, lidahnya terjulur keluar dan hampir putus digigit diri sendiri, menahan kesakitan mungkin dan lehernya berlumuran darah. tualanya penuh dgn darah begitu juga di tempat kejadian. today itself me lalu dkt jln tu almost more than 10 times. anta sigemok pegi blk skola, pegi blk umah fizul, pegi blk tusyen. and each time lalu, darah yg tertinggal disitu masih jelas kelihatan.sakit hati sangat, tgk kucing yg kita jaga selama ni mati pecah kpala. perasaanya ketika itu its like whoever the reckless driver are, he did not just crasshed a cat, he crushed my brittle heart into pieces at da same time. thanks to you, idiot.

Dear bobo, wherever u're rite now
remember i will always love you.
no matter how many pets will walk in and out in my life after this u will always be my best ones. bcos first love will never forgotten as da first cut is da deepest :(
through dis years,
thanks for lending me ur ears,
thanks fo keeping my secrets,
thanks for dealing wif all my craps,
thanks for teman me stay up studying every nite,
thanks for always been there,
thanks for everything.
u might be just an ordinary cat,
but having u around these past few years
is one of the Big thing in mylife *honest
people always say your fav pet will resembler your true love
if dats true, i hope there is someone out there who resembles you


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