Saturday, July 12, 2008

Whatever? Anything?

Nyahaha! I like the Whatevers and Anythings!

Whatever (!) you get from one can of Whatever depends on your luck. Whatever is non-carbonated and may contain one of the following: Ice Lemon Tea, Apple Tea, Jasmine Green Tea, White Grape Tea, Peach Tea and Chrysanthemum Tea. If you're lucky you might get some cool flavours such as apple, white grape or peach tea. Or you might get the common chrysanthemum or ice lemon tea. And if u have shit ass luck like me, you'll get the fucked up jasmine green tea. Damn!

Anything, on the other hand, is carbonated and may contain Cola, Apple, Orange Cola, Rootbeer, Cloudy Lemon and Fizz Up. Whatever Cloudy Lemon and Fizz Up are. I would have liked to try Cloudy Lemon, Fizz Up and apple but i got root beer instead. Sigh!

Hmph! I shall buy more until i get to try my cloudy lemon / fizz up / white grape tea!

I like Whatever and Anything's concept, much like Bertie Bott's every flavour beans. :D Except that there isn't grotesque tasting stuff like salt water, mud, pee, acid (or... ok i won't say it) or anything like that.

Imagine the ridiculously fun conversations with Whatever and Anything?

"D'you sell Whatever?"


"Yeah, Whatever."

"I'm not sure what you're..."

"What about Anything then? D'you have Anything?"

"Oh sure, we have our monthly promotion of Tropicana Juices..."

"No, i mean. Anything! Don't you have Anything at all?"



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