Monday, February 28, 2011


Save me...

Dad ditched me at the PJ State Police Headquarters to settle an obscene amount of parking / traffic fines accumulated by both him and sis. RM1050 (do you know how much stuff i can buy with that!? And poof, gone. All because of their refusal to adhere to traffic rules).

1) Sis's car's road tax expires today
2) After spending half the morning in line at the post office, dad discovers that he can't renew the road tax as there are outstanding police fines on her car that have yet to be settled (devious, but clever plan to force traffic offenders to cough up!)

And that pretty much leads to where i am now. Hmph. Am now seeking refuge in a dingy little cyber cafe nearby as the police station was sweltering. My ticket number is 2317. The last i checked, it was crawling at a snail pace at 2132 (185 people more!! Damn!!). And 30 mins before that, 2097. It takes them 30 minutes to process 45 payment transactions. Speaks volumes about their efficiency, doesn't it?

Apparently yesterday was the last day for a 50% discount on all police fines / summons, and procrastinators swarmed the station to the extent that the computer system crashed, resulting in mass outrage! So, in an attempt to mitigate the disaster, they decided to extend the offer for another day.

See. Am always getting slapped with undesirable activities like these. Waiting to pay fines. Sending Sis's car to the workshop. Retrieving her car from the workshop. Sending the car to the workshop again and again. It just gets my blood boiling when i think about the injustice of it all. Fuck.

Hell, i need to vent, or i'll explode with all the hate bubbling inside me like a can of shaken soda!

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