Saturday, March 12, 2011


Plunged into another vivid dream this morning. And it was by far the most picturesque dream I've had thus far, and the most peculiar. 

In my dream, some housing developer (i think it was SunRise) had constructed an elaborate water /ocean-themed amusement park. Its entrance was situated after the NKVE toll. I didn't have prior knowledge of this in my dream. And so i was driving on NKVE on my way to Subang, and i must've taken a wrong turn. 

Next thing i know, i'm driving on a colossal lake, with a long, long sandy path for cars erected all across the lake like it was slicing it in half. The lake fairly shallow, about 1-2 meters deep, and had completely clear turquoise water. I took a peek into the water and was amazed to see groups of sandy-rock formations, and within it, corals. Clusters and clusters of coral, maroon-red in colour. 

Such a breathtaking place isn't it? I never would have thought of such a... design. My creative juices must come squishing out when i'm asleep i suppose.

AAAnyway, back to the sand path. After a few minutes, the sand path steeped into a shallow trough, with lake water flowing over it. I guess the point was to have visitors' cars splash into the trough for dramatic effect. Except, when i was gonna splash, my car skidded and my front right tyre got stuck into the lake. 0_0! And i started to panic a bit as i didn't know where the hell i was.

And before i knew it, i was inside the park, and i managed to pack up my panic and shoved it to the back of my brain. I couldn't recall much about the park , but i do remember a nagging sense of urgency to find out where i was despite being mesmerized about the park. I also remember there was something like a circus zoo with grizzly bears in cages, rearing up on their hind legs.

Finally, i was back in my car, on the phone with my parents discovering that SunRise had an amusement park near NKVE.

And then i woke up, feeling completely bewildered. But... hmm..

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